So an old friend from the hall called me today....

by shakyground 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BluesBrother

    I get this occasionally too " What am I going to tell your Mother in the New World when she comes back and you are not there?"

    They just lay emotional blackmail upon you.. I would love to bluntly reply what I am thinking, but..common sense prevails - so far.

  • NewChapter

    Hi Troubled. I figure this will be it, but I am really tired of living my life below the radar. What's the point of walking away if I don't have self determination. And as I said, absolutely nothing will change in my life. No one talks to me anyway, and on the rare occasion when I bump into one, there really is nothing to say. Any conversation is just play acting and a waste of my time.

    An elder actually walked into my house while my ex-boyfriend was moving out (yes, walked in. Bellowed my name). He was talking with me, and my BF would say excuse me and walk between us with his personal belongings. They never even asked! I found that peculiar. You'd think they were dying to know.

    Then I think I should just write a letter---but then there is this really rebellious part of me that says F that. I don't recognize their authority, why should I play by their rules. It is just getting old. My feelings are always so conflicted.

    But this should do it. Nothing is more evil than a Christmas tree.


  • ziddina

    Hey, New Chapter!!

    If you're thinking of putting up a live tree, you might want to check out my post on this thread...


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't tell them anything. Just ask questions

    "I know from personal experience that when you leave Jehovah and go out in to the world and do your own thing it always comes back to bite you."

    "Just because you can't behave yourself without an Elder leaning over your shoulder does that mean that the rest of mankind suffers your same lack of self control?"

    asked me if she had anything to do with me not attending meetings.

    Ignore every question you don't like and ask for something like his explanation of the new overlapping generation doctrine. Did Jehovah really give them the previous explanation? Why did Jehovah lie? If He didn't lie and they are spirit directed how did they get it wrong? How is that any different from Harold Camping changing his prediction to invisible after failure? Is Harold Camping spirit directed? How does he know that? etc..

    Then stay on your chosen subject and keep him honest.

    Every time he answers, ask yourself ...... "Did he really answer the question I asked?" If he didn't, point out his deception technique, tell him you are disappointed that he would try to deceive you in this manner, then ask the question again without rephasing it.

    He needs to feel guilty for every sin he commits trying to fool you. Make him pay.


    Same old Brain Dead canned comments you will hear from every JW any where you go..

    Not one of them has an original thought of their own..


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Oh that's low!!! Using your Dad like that!!!!

    I laughted at my Brother when he did that to me..... a nervous twitch I have.... then said "So your love for me is dependent on if I'm still in the cult JW?" he said yes and I hung up the phone.....

  • serenitynow!

    Haha, I really like "oh really!?!?!" What I have started saying to people that feel they can assess my spiritual health is that my relationship w/god is between me, him, and Jesus. It has nothing to do with you. My spiritual relationship is personal. I think it is important to emphasize to these presumptuous people that when it comes to attempting to judge the spiritual state of others, they need to mind their own business.

  • lifestooshort

    Very brave of you Found sheep

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    As New Chapter alluded to, this person probably thought they were doing the right thing. I've watched many JW group discussions on how to "reach" a person who is, by their estimation, not living up to their spiritual obligation. This friend may have rehearsed dozens of lines until they landed on the one that they thought would hit you like a splash of cold water and cause you to wake up from your spiritless slumber. This time, the friend used the deceased parent card.

    Yes, it was intended to guilt you into coming back. Yes, it was low. But in the mind of your friend, it was the best chance of getting through to you. And to your friend's credit, sometimes it works. This time, back to the drawing board.

  • shakyground

    Yea I know he was doing what he thought was right, but any other rational person would see that as stepping over the line....

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