What happened to Rolf Furuli?

by Vidqun 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    From wicki,

    " Lester L Grabbe, professor of theology at the University of Hull,said of Furuli's study: "Once again we have an amateur who wants to rewrite scholarship.......

    Furuli shows little evidence of having put his theories to the test with specialists in Mesopotmian astronomy and Persian history".

    The cleverly named Miss Led tells us he is NOW, in retirement, learning to read the script that would enable him to read the tablets upon which he ventured an opinion.

    I wonder if he will have the honesty to admit that his support for the 607 chronology of the WT is not backed by the evidence ?

  • AnnOMaly

    The cleverly named Miss Led tells us he is NOW, in retirement, learning to read the script that would enable him to read the tablets upon which he ventured an opinion.

    No, no. The article said he's researching Babylonian cuneiform tablets - not learning to read the script LOL! He already knows how to read the script and was teaching this stuff at Oslo University for years! He'll be spending time furthering his research on these tablets.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Ann, my mistake, I misunderstood before too, as I remember reading that these tablets were not his field of expertise I interpreted that to mean that he could not read them, but it didn't mean that at all, just that he is not qualified in the field of astronomy I guess.

    I still hope his study reveals the truth to him, that he has been backing the wrong horse.

  • Pterist

    Any updates on Dr. Rolf Furuli ?

  • besty

    yep - he is now advertising Saab's and listening to Dancing Queen


  • Vidqun

    Dr. Furuli is again up and about, debating with his peers at b-Hebrew. For a few months he pushed his take on the Hebrew verb, but not many of his peers are too keen on his purely linguistic analyses, which is subjective to an extreme degree. Last discussion (June) centered round the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton. They seemed to agree that pursuing the pronounciation of the Tetragrammaton is futile. Although the Tetragrammaton often appears in the DSS, the tendency already existed for the scribes to replace it with Adonai. G. Gertoux's book came under the spotlight, as well as the views of N. Gordon. Both go for a pronuncation similar to modernday "Jehovah." For those interested, check out the archives at b-Hebrew.

  • AnnOMaly

    He's recently published revised and expanded versions of his Chronology books. In Vol. 2, he's responded to Prof. Hunger's criticisms.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Interesting fellow for sure. Evidently highly educated and from one of the most secularized nations on earth. . .

    and yet a sucker for complete and utter crap.

  • Pterist

    Thanks for the updates guys, appreciate it. :)

  • Londo111

    I watched the Saab video and didn't quite get it. Is that him shown briefly in the car m useum?

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