What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?

by 3rdgen 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    This happened to my sister who had just lost her newborn baby girl and nearly lost her own life to kidney failure which left her temporarily partically blind: my mother, who was really of no help and was upset because she wasn't getting the attention she thought she should be getting said to my sister, while my sister was in the hospital trying to recover from the horror of losing her child, the next time this happens don't call her.

    Can anyone blame my sister for flipping out on my mother? I sure can't.

  • fokyc

    "Get over it" and "Get a life" - from the COBOE's wife on the loss of our 40 year old son from cancer.

  • finallysomepride


    fokyc that would have really hurt

    I know anyone says that to to me for any reason really pisses me off

  • 3rdgen

    Hi MJ, Good grief, talk about cruel! What is up with these moms? I raised my kids the exact opposite of the way I was even tho I was a JW. Both my mom and her sis told me I was making gods out of my children. The fruitage of the WTS.

  • talesin

    ugh, mrsjones, no, it isn't any wonder at all.

    fokyc -- Get over my size 9 boot in your arse! (that's my reply to folks who say that to me).... what is wrong with these people???


  • 3rdgen

    Fokyc, Dear God, Unbelieveable (except I do) How are you doing now? Did that nasty comment contribute to your decision to leave the WTS?

  • trueblue

    Just found out my sister was very sick and in the hospital from lung cancer and I could hardly speak with out tears and a jw says in a descusted tone of voice "did she smoke" and then when my sister died the same day when I was sitting next to my mother as she was telling my brother (a jw) that my sister had just died I hear my mother with the most horrible cry that I will never forget as my brother had just told my mother that my sister was evil.

  • cantleave

    This was an indirect situation.

    We had a teenage brother, in neighbouring congregation, die in a Motorcycle accident. His funeral was extremely well attended, mainly by young JWS from across the three local circuits.

    A few weeks later a grouchy, elder in 80's died, he was the type who would say things like "Rock and Roll is all about sex, and is the Devil's music".

    His funeral was poorly attended in comparison. I heard a conversation between a couple of the elders on our body state that it was "shocking" that so many attended the young brother's funeral, when it was his fault he had died, he showed disrespect for life by using motorcycles. Apparently these young JW's should have made the effort to go to the boring old fart's funeral, as he had lived such a spiritually exemplary life.

  • 3rdgen

    Oh My!!! That takes the cake. Again the comments coming from friends and family. A perfect stranger wouldn't think of being so hateful . Why do these people show up anyway???

  • 3rdgen

    Trueblue, My comment above is for you. Also want you to know I'm very sorry for your loss and the additional pain others caused you. For cantleave it just so happens thats how my son died. My son was preparing for baptism and attending all the meetings but we weren't allowed to have the memorial at the KH. Now I'm glad we didn't.

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