This past weekend I lost my mom

by lola28 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts
  • MsDucky

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's going to take time to heal; so be gentle to yourself. I loss my sister to breast cancer in February; it leaves a hole in your heart. (((hugs)))

  • Hopscotch

    lola so sorry to hear about your mum. I know the pain of losing a mum having lost mine to cancer 6 years ago. There are times the grief still hits me but mostly now when I think of her I remember the good times and remind myself of how grateful I am for the things my mum did for me.

    I found the best thing was to allow myself to grieve, allow the tears and the sadness and the whole grieving process. Along with the grieving will in time come healing.

    Thinking of you at this sad time


  • Scully

    So sorry for your loss. In grieving, as with many other things, time is your friend. Don't let anyone rush you through the process of grieving. Even though you knew that your mom was terminally ill, and is now free from the pain of cancer, it doesn't make her passing any easier.

    It might help to keep a journal and write down all your thoughts and feelings as you go through the process of grieving. Get your sisters to do the same. At some point in the future, you can share these with each other and may find that you've all compiled a lovely tribute to your mom.

    Hugs, Scully

  • Heartofaboy

    My parents are still alive but becoming frail & I know I may soon have to deal with a loss like yours Lola. Not sure how I will cope but I'd just like to let you know I thinking about you.

    Love Hoab

  • nancy drew
  • lola28

    thank you all for your kind words, the funeral was yesterday and I still can't believe she is gone. I still have times when I think "I need to call mom to see how she is doing" only to realize that she is no longer there for me to call.

  • EmptyInside

    I am so sorry for your loss Lola.

    Wishing you and your family,peace and comfort, during this difficult time.

  • alias


    So sorry for your loss.

  • Snoozy

    I am so sorry for your loss..

    I was just remembering when my Mom and 6 months later my dad died. At the time my life was so busy I didn't have that much time to dwell on it. But now it is different. I find myself missing them more that I have quality time I could spend with them.
    So many things I can understand now and they aren't here for me to tell them "I understand now". My mom and I had an arrangement that we would talk at least every Sunday. To this day 20 odd years later I still feel I am missing something on Sunday's..

    Big Hug..


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