Who Do You Think Are Overrated Singers Or Movie/TV Stars?

by minimus 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    What was so great about Ryan O'Neal? David Janssen from the Fugitive? Seinfeld's Michael Richards?

  • RagingBull

    Singer - Justin Beiber (sp?)

    Movie Star - Julia Roberts (always)

    TV Star - Jennifer Aniston (her movies suck too)

    KANYE Reigns Supreme! LOL

  • talesin

    Robert DeNiro -- he has one character

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Oprah is near the top of my list. She changed her show in great directions and the work was wonderful. It is the hype machine that made her into a guru. As Bob said, "even the president of the United States must sometimes stand naked." She is an entertainer. Her show was not a college or theology course. It was entertainment. She proselytized all the time. It triggered me.

    If people would acknolwedge her for what she actually did, I would second it. Right now she is larger than life and mythic.

    The Gayle King thing triggers me. Talk about mediocre. Oprah is not mediocre.

    I hated Larry King's lack of apparent intellect and soft questions when he started. Charlie Rose is my ideal. Larry King grew on me. He never pretended to be more than an entertainer.

  • warmasasunned

    its all down to personal opinion really. but we all have an opinion

    madonna dreadful cant sing terrible songs

    tom cruise not good looking cant act

    cliff richard arrogant twat average singer

    humprhey bogart, what! cant see it.

    michael douglas not a patch on kirk

    and i could go on but i wont bore you

  • poppers

    Not that she was ever considered a good actress, but Ali MacGraw.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Justin Beiber should definitely be at the top of the overrated list.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Something about Justin Beiber makes me want to commit unspeakable violence.

  • therevealer

    I know of two guys that are convinced that Beiber is "the best". His manager guy and Usher. They think he is the be$$$$t. His mom prolly thinks he's okay too.

  • C6H12O6

    I'm surprised no one mentioned Paris Hilton. She even got into the 2007 Guiness Book of World Records as the most overrated celebrity.

    She was in a couple TV shows and movies, and released her own album.

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