Who Do You Think Are Overrated Singers Or Movie/TV Stars?

by minimus 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I aint saying he's the greatest as far as wordsmiths are concerned, but his catalogue is right up there with the legends. He's 5 albums deep and each with the exception of 808's is a classic. Not to mention everything he's produced. He's left a body of quality work that puts him amongst the top 10 to 15 as far as hip hop artists go.

  • cantleave

    Sorry to speak ill of the Dead John Wayne - very over-rated!!!

  • james_woods

    I would have said Tom Cruise, but I think he pretty much took care of his own over-rating by a few too many trips on the crazy train.

  • undercover

    Every participant on American Idol (and most of the judges too)

  • fortis et liber
    fortis et liber

    Katy Perry

    Britney Spears -- she lip syncs all of her 'live' shows but, have you ever actually heard what she sounds like live? Check out this montage of her direct audio http://youtu.be/BFFrHuwEPGg

    EDIT: My point being: if I go to a live show, I want to see a live performer not some auto tuned massaged poser or someone lip synching to their studio recordings. Britney isn't the only popular performer to do this, I just find it amazing that these faux-live shows are so popular, it's all a joke.

    enjoy !

    ~ Fortis

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    CantLeave, I want to tip my hat to you for listing John Wayne. One of the worst, most overrated actors ever. Me personally, true Westerns didn't exist until Sergio Leone, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson amongst others started doing them. Wayne's westerns took sucking to a whole new level.

  • undercover

    Now about movie folk...

    There are movie stars and there are actors. One can be an actor and not be a star. One can be a star and not be an actor. And sometimes the line blurs. One can be a good actor and still be a movie star.

    The best actors are usually not big stars. They're too good at their craft to ever get pigeon holed into one charactrer or genre.

    John Wayne is/was a movie star. Not a great actor... his characters were pretty much one dimensional. But a star nonetheless.

  • undercover
    true Westerns didn't exist until Sergio Leone, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson amongst others started doing them.

    Then you have missed out on a world of great Westerns, my friend.

    High Noon

    the original 3:10 to Yuma


    The Big Country

    and yes some good John Wayne movies: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance; The Searchers; The Shootist(post Spagetti Western western)

  • serenitynow!

    DAVID CARUSO. Worst. Actor. Ever.

    CSI Miami is just unwatchable thanks to him.

  • Dune

    Overrated list -

    Lady Gaga

    Johnny Depp

    Angelina Jolie

    Julia Roberts

    Kate Middleton

    Quentin Tarantino

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