Life after death

by truthseeker 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nickolas

    Open your eyes.

  • Podobear

    Godrulz: I do not hold to any religious affiliation. However, I do describe myself as a Spiritual man. On the dawn of April 25th as the Kestrels soared and the sun rose over Mount Sinai, I kissed my hand and held it to the rock and placed my Mother in the loving care of our Creator. I had conducted a hybrid service for a wonderful lady who was robbed of faith at the age of 15. At that time she witnessed her 4 1/2 year old sister severed in half by an army truck returning from the battle of Dunkirk.

    She was nominally Church of England but died an Atheist.

    What hope is there for her?

    You have not directed me to any "Church" or "Organisation" that comes anywhere near your view of Life after Death... neither do you attempt to define "Paradise" as promised to the Evildoer at the right hand side of the impaled Jesus.

    Jesus is NOT the Yahweh of the OT. There is no OT, just the Hebrew Scriptures. The canon of the Bible is a continued theme, not to be split into Old and New.

    I was comfortable sitting with Muslims and all sorts of Christians as well as the skeptical on Sinai.. for in the Middle East... everyone views Sinai as the sacred place where it all began.. there is Universal agreement.

    Let God decide our destiny.

    My mother is in his loving hands.... not tormented in a lake of fire. How cruel a concept.

  • EntirelyPossible

    The evidence you refer to that supports evolution is put together with the preconceived idea that evolution is correct.

    Incorrect. Evolution was derided for years, as was geology that showed the earth to be older than the bible said. The evidence for evolution IS overwhelming. You rely on it on every day to live.

    The only satisfactory explanation for the origin of such "end-directed, self-replicating life as we see on earth is an infinitely intelligent Mind.

    All you have done is kick the question back. Now explain to me where God came from since you think he exists and is end directe and able to reproduce.

    And prove and House ISN'T real.

  • PSacramento
    Such as?

    Are you asking about books on historical Jesus or evidence for Historical figures like Socrates, and such?

    There is actually more hsitorical evidence for Jesus than Socrates for example, and considering that Jesus was NOT a king or a "huge figure of historical importance" during his time, the historicla evidence we do have is quite good.

    And I have not read any of Dinesh's work or any others.

    Both his books ( What's so great about Christianity and Life after Death) are quite interesting.

  • EntirelyPossible

    answering in reverse order. why? Because I can :)

    Both his books ( What's so great about Christianity and Life after Death) are quite interesting.

    I'll check them out. I just finished Misquoting Jesus and am now reading Demon Haunted World. Too many books on the list!

    There is actually more hsitorical evidence for Jesus than Socrates for example, and considering that Jesus was NOT a king or a "huge figure of historical importance" during his time, the historicla evidence we do have is quite good.

    I can agree with the idea about there being little direct evidence for socrates. I don't know how you are arriving at the claim that there is MORE historical evidence for Jesus, though.

    To be fair, though, people don't kill each over of which version of Socrates they like better or start wars over it or deny their children healthcare over it, so whether Socrates was real, imagines, real but overblown, etc., hardly rises to the level of importance. Of course, a lot of the things Jesus is claimed to have said aren't bad, even if he never said anything particularly original.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wish people would stop demanding that others prove something ISN'T true.


    Nobody needs to prove that Jesus WASN'T resurrected. It is an extraordinary claim presented as fact and the burden of proof is ON YOU who make the claim. PROVE THAT HE WAS.

    (or stfu, your choice)

  • Nickolas

    (or stfu, your choice)

    Oh, if it was only that easy, MS. Their scriptures demand that they do just the opposite, after all.

    Further to EntirelyPossible's point, the most significant arrow in the creationist's quiver is the notion that life is so very complex (and it is, indeed, complex) that it cannot have come into existence "on its own". Those who really understand evolutionary theory also understand that life didn't come into existence on its own but through the long process of natural selection, which demands its own understanding. Regardless, nothing of complexity is created by anyone who is not more complex than what he creates. The watchmaker is much more complex than the watch he makes, the potter more complex than his pots, the carpenter more complex than the house he builds. If God created the universe and all that is in it then God must be a very, very complex being. But if things of great complexity cannot come into existence "on their own", then who or what created God?

    Off to the theatre. I'll check in tomorrow to see how many more circles this thread goes in before people throw up their hands and give up.

  • JustHuman14

    there is massive evidence from people that had Near Death Expieriences that there is life after death, even people that reincarnate several times on this plannet.

  • EntirelyPossible

    there is massive evidence from people that had Near Death Expieriences that there is life after death, even people that reincarnate several times on this plannet.

    So .... hallucinating under extreme conditions is proof of something existing after the death that didn't actually happen?

  • JustHuman14

    Reincarnation is found in all ancient texts, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, to Sanscritic manuscripts, to Shamans. There is a remarkble evidence from people that lived passed lives, or even people with NDE's that gave discriptions of what was going around when they left their body.

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