Life after death

by truthseeker 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • godrulz

    Creation scientism (many of their staff have doctorates in their fields; young earth, literal Genesis) ICR

  • EntirelyPossible

    Creation scientism (many of their staff have doctorates in their fields; young earth, literal Genesis)

    That's very amusing. Of the research department only one showed what they had a PHD in. And having a PHD doesn't make you right, smart or relevant.

    Wait, are you saying there is a PHD in young earth creationism?

  • Nickolas

    I am sometimes amazed and astonished by some of the posters on this board, what they say with such great conviction but which has no real substance. It seems all based on faith and faith alone. Scientific evidence that appears to be in support of some Biblical truth or another is hailed and publicised while the contrary is reviled. There is only one truth, some say, and if there is anything that does not confirm that truth it must by default be a lie. The paradigm disconnect for these posters vs mine, as I see it, is their minds are captured and frozen immovable by their religious perceptions. Harold Camping is an apropos example. Almost everyone outside his cult following just knew he was a nut case, but not because of what he believed was going to happen, but when. The majority of people in North America still firmly believe that Judgement Day is coming, but just not right now. To me, that's as nutty as believing it was going to happen today. Many of the people on this board have escaped an even more insidious doomsday cult, but still believe in doomsday. There's a word for that, the first sylable of which is the word "mind", the second sylable of which is a word that's not allowed.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    having a PHD doesn't make you right, smart or relevant.

    Excellent comment EntirelyPossible....this also applies to evolutionists.

    Nickolas....Scientific evidence that appears to be in support of some Biblical truth is given as the other side of the story. Scientific evidence that is given to support evolution is given and then used to say that other people are stupid, mind controlled and generally nut cases.

    Why do evolutionists need to push their ideas this way? Because their ideas don't add up. So they have to attack people personally to make themselves seem superior.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Excellent comment EntirelyPossible....this also applies to evolutionists.

    Truly it does. Except, in your case, the scientists you love have no evidence, reproducible hypothoses or anything. Having something that fits within a scientific model does.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Heres is some scientific evidence of evolution for you....hee hee hee

  • Nickolas

    Why do evolutionists creationists need to push their ideas this way? Because their ideas don't add up. So they have to attack people personally to make themselves seem superior.

    Nice little insult, still thinking. But you are still not thinking. If you want to be credible you need to present evidence rather than rhetoric.

  • LouBelle

    We harbour energy. Energy doesn't die, it may transformed into another form. When my body dies, I don't know that I will have an actual consciousness or awareness of Louise, but I know that my energy would just transform, kinda like water into steam. That is where I am at now anyway.

  • Nickolas

    All things organic harbour energy, Louise, whether living or dead. Petroleum and coal is the stored energy of unfathomable quadrillions of long dead life forms accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. When burned these fuels release their stored energy in the forms of heat and light and motion and they are in the process consumed forever. Energy dissipates according to the same physical laws that dictate that it can be neither created nor destroyed, returning it to the cosmos from whence it came. But those same laws dictate that all things are finite, including the cosmos. Five billion years from now our sun will have fused its entire supply of hydrogen into helium and will begin to consume itself. It will grow into a red giant and envelop the inner planets, transforming the earth into a hot, round, lifeless rock. Some billion or so years later the sun will be a cold vestige of its former self, as will all the trillions upon trillions of stars in the universe some tens of billions of years later. Current understanding of cosmic expansion is that it is not slowing and its momentum is such that there will be no point of equilibrium and subsequent collapse. This means that at some point or another many billions of years hence all the stars will go out, and the universe will continue to expand for all time, lifeless, dark and cold. Where is there room in this scenario, outside of one made out of sheer faith for which there is no evidence and no discernable, measurable hypothesis, for life after death?

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    Well, why I believe this is all we get? Look at the account with Job's children being killed in the storm. Why did Jehovah bless him with mor 'beautiful' children? Why didn't he resurrect the ones that died in the storm? Why didn't he show his power, then? Really, Job and his wife just 'procreated'. The same thing they did to get the first group of children here.

    I'm like a few of you. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE. My heart/mind DOES tell me I will see my father again whose life was cut short at the age of 66 due to cancer. I REFUSE to belive that this life is all there is. I absolutely think reincarnation is absurd. I don't think it's fair and is very demeaning.

    Has anyone thought of why he just didn't bring Job's children back?????

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