Life after death

by truthseeker 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No Nickolas....the context would actully have been...can you prove that fairies don't exist in my garden?

    so the question still stands....Can you prove that this isn't a fact?

  • JustHuman14

    there are numerous of examples and real expierience from people that had NDE's(Near Death Expierience) We have tones of books like Raymond's Rusty -Life after Life and going back to ancient times the Egyptian Book of Death, the Sansciritc Writtings, writtings that are much older from the Bible.

    Even in the Bible we have Jesus going to Hades and preaching to the spirits in Hades Prison, he even talked about our human soul many times, giving parables like Lazarus and the rich person, and the wealthy man who was thinking to expand his fortune, but that night someone else was demanding his soul...

    Life after death is found in every ancient religion, since we are not like animals, we have soul and that soul makes us different. I had a close family member who had an NDE, telling me all the things that support that there is life after death

  • Nickolas

    Quite right, still thinking. The proof is in the negative. Can I prove that fairies don't exist in my garden? It depends, I suppose, on what the observer considers sufficient proof. If you hold the conviction that fairies exist and your cognitive dissonance prevents you from considering anything that presents to the contrary, then there will be no proof you will consider sufficient. That there has never been any documented evidence attesting to the existence of fairies will not sway you. I could set up closed circuit monitoring in my garden for a decade and record the comings and goings of all manner of insect, bird, reptile and mammal throughout the seasons but the fact that the image of no fairy would be captured would not be sufficient for you - you would simply declare that what I have is proof that fairies were not in my garden for the entire decade and for all you know showed up the day after I took down the equipment. For those, however, who harbour a healthy skepticism toward the existence of fairies (once they got over their amusement that one could be so daft as to have gone to all the trouble) it and intelligent logic would more than suffice. If nothing else it comes down to probabilities and agnosticism. I am agnostic about the prospect of life after death in much the same way as I am agnostic about the existence fairies in my garden. It may not be 100%, but it will be so close to it that the infinitessimal residual probability will not matter.

  • PSacramento

    A few things:

    In regards to life after death, this is a very interesting read:

    Life After Death: The Evidence

    Dinesh D'Souza In regards to the HISTORICAL evidence for christ AND the ressurection, there are a few good books.

  • Nickolas

    In regards to the HISTORICAL evidence for christ AND the ressurection, there are a few good books. Hey there, Paul. Yes, I read some of them at a time my mind was more open to the possibility but sadly they were not convincing, in much the same way as historical testimony that Mohammed flew to Medina on a winged horse is not convincing. Have you ever watched the film "The God Who Wasn't There"? It's an interesting hypothesis.

  • talesin

    since we are not like animals, we have soul

    ah yes, the ultimate human conceit

    Can you prove that animals don't have souls?

    Yes, that's what I thought.


  • PSacramento
    Hey there, Paul. Yes, I read some of them at a time my mind was more open to the possibility but sadly they were not convincing, in much the same way as historical testimony that Mohammed flew to Medina on a winged horse is not convincing.
    Have you ever watched the film "The God Who Wasn't There"? It's an interesting hypothesis.

    Which ones did you read if I may ask? That you out them in the caetgory of " Historical testimony that Mohammed flew to Medina..." makes me wonder WTF did you read, LOL ! No, I don't think I have ever watched that movie.

  • Nickolas

    I can recall the title of only one of them, Paul. It was "The Case for Christ" by Strobel. It was given to me by a management collegue in the company for which I worked, who also happened to be a devout Christian. There was one other book but its title escapes me (it obviously left a modest impression). I was really searching at the time, seeking some kind of irrefutable evidence, wanting to believe. I was actually disappointed when I found none.

    You might want to watch that film, if only to satisfy yourself that it's bunk.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    My view is you've got to get your feet wet then your going walk on to the next life

  • dogisgod

    I would like to think there is a universal conscienceness but I don't KNOW that. People can BELIEVE what ever but they don't KNOW that to be true. We will only KNOW when we get there. I don't want to die but I sure want to know what goes on afterwards...if anything.

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