Jehovah's Witnesses - Are they loving?

by brotherdan 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • superpunk

    He seems more like an internet troll than a JW, tbh.

  • sabastious
    sabastious heart breaking. How could a relative say something like that someone else. I could see djeggnog sending a letter exactly like this. It's so sad, really. But's making me angry only!

    Sorry that happened to you dan. I have been sent my share of "knee-jerk" emotional emails... and they hurt.


  • PSacramento

    It makes sense that JW's are not loving, they haven't accepted Christ, they have accepted a man-run organization as their Christ.

    When Christians hate, lie, cheat, steal, when they are intolerante and spitefull, this is not a sign of Christ in their lives but a sign of Not enough Christ.

    When Christ enters our lives we are filled with love and compassion for all, for those that hate us and despise us we pary for them and love them, for those that say mean things and say that we will perish, we pray for them and beg our Lord to fill them with his love and grace so that they will knwo true love and stop the hate and stop the pain that they are in and they are in pain.

    When we are happy and have love in our lives we wnat nothing but love and joy for all people, we have no thoughts of anger, or hate or spite, but when our lives are cold and bitter and lonely and full of pain and misery and most of it, if not all, is self-inflicted then we feel and show nothing but hate and spite and intolerance.

    I feel so sorry for people like that, truly.

  • leavingwt
    leavingwt heart breaking. How could a relative say something like that someone else.

    For those who fear losing their JW friends and family, this is not an irrational fear, this is very probable. However, you should realize what type of friends and family they are, as a result of the Thought Reform. They are conditional friends and family. They are fair weather friends and family. They don't value the real you. They only value your total obedience to a publishing corporation.

    Yes, this really sucks. However, this is reality. Real friends and family don't abandon you if you have a crisis of conscience. Real friends don't call you hurtful names because you have a different opinon about magic and invisible people. Cult member do this. Cults shoot their wounded.

  • brotherdan

    It's funny, one of the comments I said to djeggnog before his angry response was, "I have no ill feelings for you. After all I believed that this was the truth for a long time."

    His response was, "I don't care how you feel about me. You're living in a delusional state!"

  • miseryloveselders

    I got into a "discussion" with Eggnogg some time ago, and I wouldn't give him too much credit as being a fair assessment of love amongst JWs. To be plain and simple, Eggnogg is a nut, and I'm under the impression he's of the "unwanted class" amongst JWs. Those being the mentally disturbed, or physically disabled, or having peculiar family problems. If you go through his posts, you'll find that he argues for the sake of arguing. He has no point to make, he just needs to communicate with someone, anybody, even apostates. If it wasn't for the internet, he'd be the visible schizophrenic guy in an ailse within a book store causing everyone to avoid that particular aisle, usually the religious or philosophy section. The managers usually avoid calling security because they know the nut will return, so they just hope that he'll lose interest and go to the book store across town.

    Thankfully with the advent of the internet, he's one less nut out on the streets, and no longer a danger to the community. Probably at one point he was called on by some well meaning JWs who mistook his serious mental condition as being spiritually inclined and properly disposed to The Truth. He got love bombed at the Kingdom Hall, and was tolerated long enough to just get baptized. Eventually the honeymoon relationship The Friends had with him came to an end, and he became aware of this. The invitations to gatherings stopped, and to top it off, the book study arrangement as it was then was done away with. No more treat nites and scaring other people's children in an intimate setting such as someone's house. Not to mention his favorite book, Revelation, was no longer being studied. I imagine he loved commenting and sharing his own views on what the trumpet blasts represented. He's in a social limbo so to speak, but The Friends were the closest he's ever had when it comes to a relationship with people. They don't call or visit, probably been years since an elder did a shepharding call. So he resorts to his final grasp at some connection to those in The Truth, JWN and online apostates.

  • brotherdan

    But he claims to be an elder...

  • jay88

    BrotherD-No, I wasn't saying that. But for one to be considered a Christian John 13:35 requires them to be loving people. I know alot of loving atheists, agnostics, muslims, jews, etc...


    You say that there is no in between, you are either full blown Christian or not, meaning that you can not pick and choose

    what scriptures you live by, ----that you must accept the bible as it is.

  • mrsjones5

    But he claims to be an elder...

    So what.

  • Reality79

    Are they loving? Is the Pope a Nyabinghi Rastafarian?

    JWs are amongst the most nastiest, spiteful people I've ever known. They will spread rumours about you, shun you, ridicule you and not even care one bit about the subsequent emotional and psychological damage it can cause. They're the biggest hypocrites. Fakers.

    I'm not saying every single witness is evil, but the overwhelming majority are definitely not the "loving" people they like to make themselves out to be.

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