@ slimboy
WOW thanks so much! I should write the society to see what they have to say about it today (since the letter is from 2001). Although, it did mention that they may in some instances condone particpation in research projects.
It still seems the WT is missing the point. Research and surveys aren't deisgned to extract the "book beliefs" of JW's. Like the letter says, researchers could just consult the wealth of WT publications on JW beliefs. Research is designed to figure out how individual JW's feel about topics in practice. Simply because the WT espouses a particular belief does not necisitate that every single member subscribes to such belief.
@ satinka
Yes, many practising JW's I have contacted over social networking claim I am an apostate, and then those on apostate forums claim I am a clandenstine JW working for Bethal. I can't be both.
I meant "independent researcher" as in I have no other associated partners and that my research is not being financed by the University.
Yes, my survey and research methodology has been approved by the Instituional Review Board. I have since placed a password on access to my survey so as to maintain the integrity of my research. I have purged the previous results that were not alligned to this standard. The only individuals who will have access to my survey will be indivudals I ask, or who individually ask me to particpate.
@ band
When have I "made fun of them". The society is not perfect and I am not ashamed to call them out on their inconstencies or inaccuracies.
I don't understand why everyone wants to continue to patronize me and my work. I am shocked by the level of disrespect and personal attacks on my integrity.