University student's JW based honors thesis research. PLEASE HELP!

by honorsthesis 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • honorsthesis

    @ slimboy

    WOW thanks so much! I should write the society to see what they have to say about it today (since the letter is from 2001). Although, it did mention that they may in some instances condone particpation in research projects.

    It still seems the WT is missing the point. Research and surveys aren't deisgned to extract the "book beliefs" of JW's. Like the letter says, researchers could just consult the wealth of WT publications on JW beliefs. Research is designed to figure out how individual JW's feel about topics in practice. Simply because the WT espouses a particular belief does not necisitate that every single member subscribes to such belief.

    @ satinka

    Yes, many practising JW's I have contacted over social networking claim I am an apostate, and then those on apostate forums claim I am a clandenstine JW working for Bethal. I can't be both.

    I meant "independent researcher" as in I have no other associated partners and that my research is not being financed by the University.

    Yes, my survey and research methodology has been approved by the Instituional Review Board. I have since placed a password on access to my survey so as to maintain the integrity of my research. I have purged the previous results that were not alligned to this standard. The only individuals who will have access to my survey will be indivudals I ask, or who individually ask me to particpate.

    @ band

    When have I "made fun of them". The society is not perfect and I am not ashamed to call them out on their inconstencies or inaccuracies.

    I don't understand why everyone wants to continue to patronize me and my work. I am shocked by the level of disrespect and personal attacks on my integrity.

  • laverite

    Could someone clarify? Wouldn't being a member of an organization such as the "College Republicans." interning with a congressman, and other activities listed in Mr Wager's bio automatically result in being considered DA'd? If not DA'd, then a JC leading to DFing?

    It seems he's a JW in good standing, but how is this possible given the very visible nature of his work and internet presence? Now THAT'S the interesting story here (to me, at least).

    I don't doubt Brett is a senior at the University of Florida studying political science. I also don't doubt that he's doing an honors thesis. Not sure why so many are up in arms about those two things. I haven't been following this closely, but I'm assuming that there's informed consent as part of this research process, an introductory letter jointly signed by Brett and his advisor with appropriate contact info, etc.

    But anyway, what's really interesting to me here is his visibility in politics, yet not running afowl of Watchtower.

    Further biographical info available at

    Brett Wager [Brett.Wager at]
    Brett spent the first 18 years of his life growing up a huge Chicago Bears fan in the white collar suburbs of Chicago, IL. After graduating high-school, curiosity and ambition led him to the Gator Nation to study at the University of Florida. A third-year Senior, Brett is pursuing a degree in Political Science with a heavy focus on international relations accompanied by diversifying minors in Business and History. In order to compliment his rigorous classroom-learning and to simultaneously gain challenging real-world experience, he has interned with a U.S. Congressperson, the U.S. Attorneys Office, the Chamber of Commerce and the Public Defenders Office. Brett looks forward to offering the field of political talk a refreshing conservative dimension.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The description is so over the top. "Rigorous" is a fine term when a scholarly publication or the New York Times refers to you. When you supply the term, it is funny. There is no way the Society will countenance this survey. "Refreshing conservative dimension" is hokey. Someone needs a better publicist.

    Brett refused to post his faculty member's name or phone number so his story could be verified. This is not typical college student behavior. I can't fathom what is going on here. The ISP could reveal addresses and maybe even names. I wonder about anyone whose life is so fractured can function. Good old boy for the Witnesses, conservative dork poli sci major at Univ. of Fla. Also, it is not Oxford, Cambridge or the Sorbonne.

    I can respect a Witness and with much assistance, a conservative college student. The combination is bizarre. Didn't Jesus say something profound about serving two masters? It is curious. I worked for the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York. It is beyond my comprehension what a college student could do besides file. We're helping O'Reilly and Limbaugh under false pretenses. It offends me. "diversifying minors.

    It is comical. People laugh at such verbiage.

  • laverite

    BOTR -

    I wouldn't want to attack the content of the bio -- he's a college student. He comes across as ambitious. That's great! Most people don't graduate from college, and most college graduates do not complete a senior honors thesis. I wish my students were as ambitious/industrious as he is!

    In any case, if I were to offer advice, I would suggest not trying to major and minor in too many things. Get focused. Otherwise, you'll be an undergrad for too many years and wind up going nowhere fast, wasting too much time and money. Focused ambition can get you far.

  • honorsthesis

    @ Laverite

    Thanks for the support and kind words. I have only been in school since 2008 and I already have 118 credits. This is my final semester, then I am taking a year off and studying for the LSAT and hopefully secure a decent job with a living wage prior to entering law school.

    If any one is looking to hire a bright graduating college student with experience and ambition, contact me! I am willing to travel anywhere!!! :)

    "I'm assuming that there's informed consent as part of this research process, an introductory letter jointly signed by Brett and his advisor with appropriate contact info, etc."

    Yes, there is. Due to some website ineptitudes, the informed consent was not easily visible or accessible. It is now. Although, to maintain the integrity of my research and to abide by the IRB's standards, I have password protected the survey so it is not open to the public.

    If you would like to particpate in my survey, please PM me.

    @ Band

    I have already repeatedly addressed your concerns. Again, I am not posting numbers and addresses on a public page. I already regret that I posted my name publicy, that was foolish. In addition, due to your unrelenting bullying and patronizing, you are not privy to such "verifiable" information.

    Learn some tact.

  • DanaBug

    honorsthesis, you have a pm.

  • laverite

    Hey Mr Brett. You have a PM.

    I'm sure you've discovered that JWNers are quite a skeptical bunch overall. This is a good thing, IMHO.

    It's GREAT that you have made such progress. I took "third year senior" to mean third year as a senior rather than third year in college total. Fabulous! I'm even more impressed now.

    On another note, I would expect that you are going to run into some trouble with the Watchtower at some point in the not too very distant future. Is that a concern of yours?

    Wishing you luck with your senior project.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This has to drop. College was a while ago. The students I meet today are not braggarts. There is a way of conveying one's earnestness, ambition and discipline in a more sophisticated manner. Frankly, I'd rather have someone err on the side of being brash to being as deferential and self effacing as the Witnesses teach. There are regrets on both sides. The Internet is not a friendly place. I erred by believing the surface appeal. Life teaches valuable lessons.

    I accomplished much more in objective terms. When I applied, you considered yourself fortunate if any law school accepted you. I majored in political science, too. The high scoring 800 LSAT scorer tended to be a mediocre student. Brilliant classmates of mine were barred. There are ways of negotiaating the world. Perhaps I'm just very urban. Since I don't teach undergrads, I don't see many papers or presentations.

    I don't wish Brett ill. Every law school, besides the new Catholic one that Bush had an alumna directing U.S. Attorney's Offices, is so liberal. I found this strange b/c one would think corporate lawyers would be conservative. It is nice to have some diversity. The ACLU and the Federalist Society are attending each other's conferences. They don't attend as spies but as lawyers interested in the perspectives of the other side. We were saved by a single former Marine. He wasn't that conservative. It was refreshing.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The address you gave us links to a

    Public Opinion Thermometer Survey

    and requires a password.

  • honorsthesis

    I know, that is my survey. Those who wish to participate can PM me.

    Does no one moderate this site???

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