University student's JW based honors thesis research. PLEASE HELP!

by honorsthesis 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • digderidoo

    I'm happy to do the survey and take part in a telephone survey for your research. I need a password though?

  • slimboyfat

    Thank you Leolaia for the explanation that the word "defected" used in this way is uncommon rather than incorrect. Leolaia when you say: "The usage here as a noun modifier that seems less common." Do you know examples where the word is used this way in the literature on Witnesses? As I said this is not a major issue but I am curious to see it myself.

    Brett, Beckford's Trumpet of Prophecy is my favourite book on Jehovah's Witnesses. I will look out for him using that phrase when I read it again. Is there any chance you could give me a page reference. Somehow I can more easily imagine Carolyn Wah using the phrase as an academic sounding pejorative. I have read her article in the past but I no longer have access to it.

    I don't know why Band you are intent on causing trouble for this person. Is it because you feel a Jehovah's Witness has no right to take an interest in research on their own religion, or that a Witness who does not follow the rules about staying away from apostate websites should be outed? A student can make unusual or what you may consider incorrect methodological choices. That does not make them a fraud. To jump from one assumption to the other seems a most unnecessary leap. I hope you don't make a stink by phoning to verify who this person is. If you do you would seem to be the troublemaker in that situation not them. I don't agree with you, but even if Brett is not who he says he is I cannot see how anything in his survey could possibly harm anyone who takes part.

  • slimboyfat

    Getting active Witnesses to participate in the survey will be a challenge but I wish you success. I am sure I remember reading a letter from the Watchtower Society dated sometime around the early 1990s that instructed local Witnesses not to participate or cooperate with social scientists seeking to conduct surveys in the congregation. It said that anyone who makes such enquiries should be informed that all the necessary information about Jehovah's Witnesses can be found in the publications which non-Witnesses are free to consult. I wish I could remember where I saw that letter. Maybe it was posted on this forum but I am not sure. Does anyone remember that letter?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There is no way to verify whether poster is a U. of Fla. student and whether the survey is legitimate course work. The bravado is annoying. Aside from collecting personal data, the questions are harmless. If info. were given to the Society, the assertion about not taking Witnesses seriously would tarnish poster's reputation with Witnesses.

    Clearly, this triggered something in me. I guess I will set aside normal prudence to help any JW get an education. My gut feeling is that this in inauthentic. The University of Florida's website provided info. about the university that I did not know. My gut feeling is mine. Another forum I participated in had a sick person creating personalities to entrap people. The community was outstanding with one exception. I need to remind myself that the internet is mirky.

    I will note that I received Honors on my thesis, graduated magna from an elite university and considered myself lucky to be accepted into any law school. Once the local schools would admit any warm body from my college. With the job market, though, I don't understand why so many still want to enter the profession. If someone else pays for the education, it is extremely useful in any position. I routinely run into college grads willing to incur massive debt at fly by night schools. The schools at the bottom often have mandatory failing percentages. Half of the student body is culled from the class after first year grades are available to place the top students in jobs. Tuition is not refunded. Ivy League and comp school grads are not able to find jobs.

    I blame all those dramas on TV where the lawyer is so powerful. They never show the drama of someone hunched over books or a computer terminal for hours researching some civil procedure point that has not much to do with the substantive merits of the case. Law permeates society, though. So many people have no access to lawyers. Once this awful economy improves, I can still see good years ahead with someone with a degree from a decent school.

  • slimboyfat
    Aside from collecting personal data

    What personal data? It was a series of viewpoint questions along with a few very general questions about your background.

    I think it's great that a current Jehovah's Witness wants to do this sort of project and that they use this forum. It's certainly different from the usual sort of posters we get on here and should be encouraged not stamped out.

  • VIII

    When did the JWs endorse joining political groups? Oh, yeah, they didn't.

    Why would a Baptized JW (admitted by him, Brett Wager) be a part of the University of Florida College Republicans? As the Treasurer no less?


    That alone would get one DFd. No Neutrality there.

    So, something is suspicious.

    Personally, I think it is great if a JW gets an education. More brains to them. I, unlike BOTR, didn't go to an elite school and paid for it myself. Education cannot be underrated. Going to college gave me the opportunity to excape the b0rg.

    Brett either wants to get kicked out or is not a JW (or is a troll). Just my opinion. I am entitled to that, am I not?

    Can your IP address give data you might not want out? I am not an IT wiz, so, that is a guess.

    Here is a Blog from a JW page, they are suspicious of him being an Apostate!!! He apparently sent the same Poll to a JW FB page, asking for their *help*. JWs trust is hard to gain, as it is here:

    From: anne P

    Date: January 31, 2011 3:40:47 PM CST

    To: JW/FB <[email protected]>

    Subject: Did everyone get an e-mail like this??

    Just wondering what your thoughts might be on this e-mail I received and if this was sent to everyone on your FB page:

    Brett Wager 01 February at 07:14 Report

    Hello Anne,

    My name is Brett Wager, and I am a fellow Jehovah's Witness. I am also a senior undergraduate student at the University of Florida and I am conducting a research study. The purpose of my research is to identify the political personality of Jehovah's Witnesses. I received your name and information from the JW Facebook page. You are eligible to participate in this survey strictly because of your known membership with Jehovah's Witnesses.

    You will be asked to participate in a survey that will ask politically themed questions. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time and all responses will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law.

    There are no anticipated risks, compensation or other direct benefits to you as a participant in this interview, except your own ability to increase society's knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. Your participation is entirely voluntary.

    Help me out, please?


    Anonymous said...
    Is he really one of Jehovah's integrity keepers? Would he really be found in this position of asking such a question KNOWING our politics are theocratic only, not of this world? I would remain silent like the Christ when he was questioned about his views.
    February 1, 2011 2:36 PM
    Anonymous said...
    I have had a brief exchange of comments with this person and believe he is an apostate . He knows something of the societies meeting arrangements. Profile on facebook, is a fan of politics,is inspired by politicians who ruled against us and dictators such as Napoleon Bonaparte. A timewaster or worse . Hope this helps as to your decision. Agape
    February 4, 2011 12:12 PM
    Brandon said...
    He's going under Brett Matthew-Thesis now...

    I kindly declined a few times, and he continues to push and pose as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    February 6, 2011 4:24 PM
  • Leolaia
    Leolaia when you say: "The usage here as a noun modifier that seems less common." Do you know examples where the word is used this way in the literature on Witnesses?

    Beckford, p. xi: "Further information was collected from informal conversations with both practising and defected Witnesses".

  • slimboyfat

    Thanks it's not often I am right but it looks like I am wrong again.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    VIII. Thank you for your research. So something strange is happening. It was revealing.

  • honorsthesis

    LOL @ everyone's paranoia!

    First of all, great research! I will have to check that website out! It is nice to know that some are talking about my project across the internet. Make no mistake, this whole controversy will be documented for my thesis. The level of suspicion has really thrown me for a loop. what is the consensus on me? That I AM indeed a student, but now I am not a JW? This forum's opinions change with the winds.

    Like I said, who you think or don't think I am is immaterial. I was simply recruiting for my project. If you don't believe in an aspects of that, fine. I wish we could be talking and discussing more about the topic of my research, than pages upon pages of questioning who I am.

    And it should come to no one's surprise that I am not your model JW. I am in college, studying political science, with aspirations to go into the field of law. Not to mention that I am visiting this site.

    Much like everyone here, I have received a lot of grief from family for the way I have chosen to live my life. I value and education and see importance in politics. Most in the religion do not value these things, and I didn't, until I decided I didn't want to work at Walmart...that I wanted to do something with my life, and went to college.

    I still believe in the religions fundamental truths (non-trinitarian, Jehovah is God, the paradise, no fiery hell, ect.). I have very little faith in the 1914 doctrine, but only deservedly so. I have also questioned other aspects that I would rather not get into.

    In conclusion, think what you want, it is inconsequential. But if you now accept the fact I am a student, and simply want to question my loyalty as a JW, then I am finished with this site...because I get enough of that in my real daily life.

    Also, I am in the midst of writing a paper on Chinese foreign policy, due at 9 am tomorrow. While tempted, I cannot continue to spend time bickering back and forth for the time being.


    That would be a great article or letter to obtain. Please do your best to locate it, if you can. Also, check your PM.

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