Name a 'Bad Elder, CC, DO.' !!!

by Mr Bean 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • ianao

    Oh forgive me nytelecom1, I just assumed from your ignorant posts that you would be dumb enough to do what I said above. It's good to know that at least you consider yourself to be human. Such confidence can put you on the road to recovery.

    BTW, you can do better than this mock-witness bullshit for a comeback dude! Be creative.

  • sf

    This thread, to me, serves as a window of what could possibly be something, perhaps FOCUS and Co. could focus on, in the line of an FBI-type "jw child molesters" List on a legal website; not sure how it would become legal, that would ARM people with info and stats on such predators and perps. NOT ELDERS. Unless an actual elder is the perp.

    How could something like this be possible, legally? Comment please.

    My other thoughts to this thread is that I still see a PATTERN OF PROTECTING THE ORGANIZATION. I believe Focus has touched on this phenomenon in another thread somewhere. It disturbs me that protecting EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE VICTIM/SURVIVOR/silentLAMB still is what is the/ a mindset that is stuck.

    If I knew of a molester that molested a child and I did not TELL SOMEONE, like we all encourage and teach our own kids TO DO, I AM GUILTY TOO, to a degree. But should my name be "out there"? As I seat here comtemplating it, I'm not sure now. I was sure when I started typing.

    I am sure of the above though. "AList" of names and photos. After all, they do go door2door. Householders need to WITNESS their mug.


  • nytelecom1
    It's good to know that at least you consider yourself to be human.

    Should have I considered myself something else?...The scriptures
    tell us we all fall short of the "mark" of God.

    BTW, you can do better than this mock-witness bullshit for a comeback dude! Be creative
    Well "dude", you put it..i am sorry if you see
    my response as "mock-witness"...often times it is painful for
    those who know that they are wrong be shown as such..
    but the Bible tells us counsel and discipline is Good..and how
    thankful we are that Jehovah provides an abundance of discipline...

    btw..consider this thread Jacked.

  • ashitaka

    SF, I know what your saying, but people could have a lot of heartache from speaking up. they may not know what speaking up would entail. Who would want to testify, especially when people (like me) still have interests in the JW's (fam still in who we want to mantain semi-normal relationships with).

    I think that caution is essential anywhere. If you've been molested, or a friend has been, take up the cause. But just posting names on a posting board is like gossip, only your IP is connected to it, and can be used against you.

    Who knows what kind of crazy tactics the JW's would use against you if you started to name people who haven't been convicted? I for one, wouldn't want to be in the hotseat.

  • Englishman

    Re this slander thing.......

    I'm sure you can say pretty well what you want to about someone, providing you also say "In my OPINION he was a asshole / dipshit / uneducated lump of dog turd etc".

    As to things that someone might have actually done, you should be OK if you add "ALLEGEDLY" as a proviso.


    ..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.

  • ashitaka

    Hey, if it worked for Tyson...

  • TR

    Hey people, check out Nytelehypocrite's website! I'm sure the elders would love this one.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • AMarie


    Website? Where can we find this lovely work of art?


  • ianao


    Hey that's pretty good knit-witness. Why don't you take your books, magazines, and holier than thou ignorant attitude and cram it up your ass?

    After that, why don't you look to the wall on your left/right and tell it about having a proper attitude.

    Oh, I forgot, I'm not "talking" to a real witness, I'm talking to 15-year old idiot sitting at the other side of a computer keyboard getting a nut over mindless blabbering on the information superhighway. How silly of me.

    I should have known it when I was receiving spiritual counsel from an idiot with a demon for a profile picture and a porno site for a homepage. What a loving provision from God that must be.

  • nytelecom1
    I'm talking to 15-year old idiot sitting at the other side of a computer keyboard getting a nut over mindless blabbering on the information superhighway. How silly of me

    ..tsk ..tsk...iano...yet another anti bites the dust.
    read past posts for my age ... calling...such a last resort.....and so predictable

    porno site for a homepage
    if you think Maxim magazine is porno....You must
    be listening to Cat Stevens one to many times....
    hmm..most antis think Maxim is porno...I thinks Ill stays a dub

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