First Date...

by White Dove 87 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Thank you for clarifying:) A paper trail is a really good idea, thanks:)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Well, so far, he hasn't been into the store for the last couple of days. Smart man. Wish someone would spit in his taco.

  • wasblind

    Hey whiteDove look what I found

  • flipper

    WHITE DOVE- You are a classy, smart, attractive woman- you can do a lot better than this disrespectful loser who wants you to melt in the heat. Hang in there, lots of good guys out there. Try E-harmony, worked for my wife and me ! Just a thought. Good luck, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    He could have been married and afraid he would run into some he knew in a local starbucks, hence the out of the way park?

    Who knows, it's all speculation, but the damning part I think is that when you made known your preference he insisted on his own way and kind of indirectly put you down for your preference.

    Even if he is single, totally safe and not expecting sex, those other two things show you what you could expect in a relationship: inconsiderate, passive aggressive and condescending. I'd take dangerous and married over those qualities in a man any day.

  • Scott77

    Hi WD,

    Just checking, how is everything going up lately with this guy?


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Thank you for your concern.

    He's got me on his back burner and is trying to win me back. Another e-mail this morning. He's trying another angle. I'm not answering it.

    Check out my other 10 page thread...or is it 11...anyway, that one is updated to about two days ago.

    As long as the story goes on, these threads of mine will go on.


    Yes, it was the selfishness and condescending manner that I found most offensive.

    Those made the rest of it just really distasteful.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Yep, he's really pathetic WD. Don't go for that...


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Since he said he doesn't want a relationship, why is he trying so damned hard to win me over?

    Yup, that's why. That right there.

  • exwhyzee

    Sorry, the first thing that came to mind is maybe he wants to get you alone in the park.... too many people at Starbucks. How well do you know this guy?

    People who were brought up to be overly polite sometimes second guess the little voice that is telling them to run. (Just a thought)

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