Are you single and looking? Or Do you consider yourself to be available?

by Scott77 123 Replies latest social relationships

  • iknowall558

    Terry....ha. That was a rather amusing synopsis of romance / love. If I didnt know I was on this forum, what I read, I could have imagined coming from DATA in 'Star trek - The Next Generation'. No just have a way with words. Made me laugh..

  • peaches

    pushed wrong button...answer is below this question...

  • Girlie

    I'm single, but seriously, confused as hell about the whole dating scene and find myself weary of it.

  • asilentone

    WhiteDove, maybe you need some very serious makeover, try to see fashion experts, etc..... Good Luck!

  • onemore

    I’d like to know CATTAILS “status’….

  • Scott77

    I'm single, but seriously, confused as hell about the whole dating scene and find myself weary of it.


    Hi Girlie

    Please, can you eloborate on that ? Please, think of how, why, when, what, and whom when pinning down your responses.


  • Scott77

    WhiteDove, maybe you need some very serious makeover, try to see fashion experts, etc..... Good Luck!


    This reminds me of Susan Boyle, a 47 year British singing sensation to that grip much of the world last year. After making herself better, people were up in arms because she’s gotten a makeover (including hair style and dye job, eyebrow shaping and a new wardrobe) that makes her look more her age, instead of 10-15 years older than she was.

    Susan had acknowledged that she didn’t realize how “frumpy” she looked until she saw herself on TV, and that with the world watching her now, she wanted to look her best. But some people are intent on keeping her “frumpy”.

  • Girlie

    Umm, Scott,

    What is there to elaborate on? I believe I made myself clear on how I find the dating scene. It is pure hell and it is making me weary to the point that I don't have a real desire to be bothered by the process any longer. Too many mind games. Too much self-centeredness. Too many weirdos I have encountered in it. Is that enough elaboration for you?

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Are you my friend on Facebook? If so, why would you say that?

  • Lease

    Iam single and looking. I was seeing one but recently broke off for being deeper into kosher thingy.

    Scott walked reluctantly into Lake Alice, a place to hang your hat. It had the adult entertainment: bar, live music, restauraunt area, pool table and top of the line t.v. monitors in the sport section, plus other novelties.

    The music was great, the band really knew how to mingle classic rock music with dancing music. There were a few people dancing as Scott slowly made his way to the bar. He ordered a beer and waited for his friend Mike. For some reason, Mike sounded a bit iffy on wanting to meet him at Lake Alice. Then Scott's cell phone rang. Confirmed, Mike is not coming. But, Scott, feeling a bit lonely decided he'd stay a while in hopes that a new lady would walk in that he could, at the very least, chat with.

    As Scott turned back around in his chair to order another beer, a woman sat gingerly next to him. His first instinct is to size up the size of her rack. "not bad", he thought. But, he couldn't figure out her race. She seemed either White or Jew or Armenian. Then she spoke, "Can I have a Shirley Temple, please?". Perfect American English with no accent. She might be mixed with something though. Her hair is very dark sprinkled with grey, so she must be in her early 40's. She seems very approachable, but, her hair style is distracting. I never saw a woman with such short hair. "my hair is longer than hers!" i thought.

    "Hi" She said to me in such a casual, easy-going, almost innocent way.

    "Hey", i replied. I quickly noted; no marriage ring. "are you with someone here?" I am being bold, what the hell to lose, right?

    "No, just come here to dance with anyone who is not afraid to look silly". She seems spunky, but maybe too innocent. I order myself another beer.

    "and you?" she asked.

    "I'm looking to find true love". I said with a smile.

    Then she looked at me in a way that made my heart leap for just a split second. It was her smile and that twinkle in her eyes as she said,".....".


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