by mrsjones5 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Jehovah needs to rethink his choices, then, Chip.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It amazes me how some JW's can delude themselves into coming here, in defiance of the GB, and pretend to care about our lives while at the same time, yelling at the top of the internet lungs that we are disobedient and will die.

    Delusional. Thats what it takes to make and stay in the JW cult.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Jehovah's choice in leaders of his people on earth is FAULTY!

    Jehovah is WRONG!

    Jehovah doesn't exist!

    The GB is a GOD worshipped by YOU!

    You are an IDOLATER!

    By you being here, you are sanctioning going to apostate websites for other JW's.

    Would you verbally and to their faces invite your friends on here?

    Please do!


    alltime, I don't want blood on my hands..

    All the Points I make is our of truely looking out for the concerns of everyone..

    For those who want their consciences to be soothed, I saw recovery sites on the net..

    If what I say hurts..

    you can tune me out.



  • mrsjones5

    "Shamus100, Great! another one came to their senses! See you thought I could'nt make progress here."

    PJ, please tell me that you're not that stupid...what am I saying

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You are one judgmental bastard. Don't you know you will be judged for judging us? I don't believe in the Bible as the word of gawd, but if you do, then you should know that GAWD ALMIGHTY is going to judge your sorry @$$.

  • jookbeard

    Ship , I'm an Apostate and proud.

  • AllTimeJeff
    cyberjesus, I'm not associating with apostates. I'm told to snatch a brother who is doubting out of the fire. I teach and preach the word to everyone. I don't hang out with apostates. I do try to correct their thinking for their own good. Most younger ones in the org. could be stumbled by being on this site, or reading lit. that apostates write in books. They really have their hands full learning the truth from the word of Jesus. When you leave the water source that issues from the throne of God, that waters the 12 trees, who's leaves are for the curing of nations. You are taping into the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience.

    Cool, lets deconstruct this. Who are told to snatch a doubter out of the fire? You presume to do this? Secondly, JW's, like all cults, demonize the word "doubt" so that critical thinking can be controlled and killed. Otherwise, sincere people who would dare look at the smelly laundry would leave. Oh wait, we did.

    How can you insult people in a self righteous manner and think that somehow corrects thinking?

    If you are concerned about younger ones here, who do you have in mind?

    The rest of what you wrote is scriptural gibberish.

  • mrsjones5

    "JW's, like all cults, demonize the word doubt so that critical thinking can be controlled and killed."

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Who gave you the right to accost people with your capital letters of fire and brimstone to attempt to manage our minds, hmm? Getting a bit of cult on the brain there?

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