So who's been out the longest??

by angel eyes 90 Replies latest social family

  • jookbeard

    very good reasons AE's some have been sexually abused by elders in Jerkhoobahs Org, some have lost loved ones due to the blood ban in the Org, some have lost loved ones due to the organ transplant ban, there is countless reasons that have been explained over and over again since you joined this forum!

  • daniel-p

    some have been sexually abused by elders in Jerkhoobahs Org, some have lost loved ones due to the blood ban in the Org, some have lost loved ones due to the organ transplant ban, there is countless reasons that have been explained over and over again since you joined this forum!

    Men are imperfect, jookbeard, don't you know that?

  • jookbeard

    I'd laugh Dan , shame it's so tragic

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Exactly!!! and i know first hand what kind of things can happen by "ones who claim to be" jw but by their actions they truly are not lovers of Jah....but that shouldnt make us want to leave Jehovah or his org........yes the org can do wrong,they are imperfect.....but not everyone within the org is bad,not everyone in the truth is bad.....not all Jehovahs true followers are bad...... Ive been through things that no one else has ever heard of,im being honest here to try and show you guys that im not pushing your pain aside,im speaking from experience too sharing your pain too,somehow it hasnt come across that way and im sorry. But one elder had a breakdown when i told him just two things that happened to me.....he had never heard of such horrific things in his 39years in the PLEASE now read between the lines and see YES anyone who's been wronged im by your side but I cant,just cant accept that leaving Jah or his org is the answer....

    Gnite back tomorrow 14 hours till get new posts...x

  • BabaYaga

    Angel Eyes said:

    one elder had a breakdown when i told him just two things that happened to me.....he had never heard of such horrific things in his 39years in the PLEASE now read between the lines and see YES anyone who's been wronged im by your side but I cant,just cant accept that leaving Jah or his org is the answer....

    I am very saddened to hear how horribly hurt you have been, Dear Angel Eyes. Hugs and continued strength and wisdom to you!

    Nobody ever said you have to leave Jehovah when you leave the Watchtower Corporation.


  • jookbeard

    Banging Head Against Wall, it same old rhetoric, no scripture , no evidence nothing, there are good Catholics/Muslims/Sikhs/Anglicans/Fundy's big deal big deal, doesn't prove a thing

  • bigwilly
  • WhereWasI

    angel: depending on the hurt done to some folks by the publishing company and depending on their resilliancy level and dpending on their own personal anger you are going to see a wide variety of reactions. If you haven't figured this out by now you are either daft or just playing with us. Get a life.


  • dissed

    Angel Eyes

    I used that concentration camp experience in the pioneer school as an extreme example of how you can be seperated from God's organization and still stay loyal to Jehovah. The point is, and don't miss it, its your relationship with God that is THE most important, and not with an org. that claims to represent him.

    Don't underestimate God's power for you to stay close to him in your case. The Org. can be an unessesary crutch that you don't have to use.

    After World War 2, most of those that survived the camps left the org. immediately and why? (see 1974 yearbook)

    Because they were told from that Org. that the persecution, the War and tribulations they were suffering, was "the end of the system". It wasn't the end. The WTS was wrong and they were mislead. They paid a terrible price by faithfully following men that claimed to represent God.

    You are just starting on your search for answers. From your writings its clear to us, the WTS hasn't answered all your questions.

    You've come to a good place where you can air out feelings without being critically judged like in the JW congregations. Something you already know to be true.

  • jookbeard

    Dissed, also Joe Rutherford ( the alcoholic,sexist, violent, despotic president of thr WTS) colluded with the Germans in WWII

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