So who's been out the longest??

by angel eyes 90 Replies latest social family

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Hey....I decided to go onto the internet few weeks ago really,when i joint for talking to apostates well thats an individual view id say :) I know some claim to be but by what they say its clear they arent,they are hurt and angry,which I can understand. Many on here pm me and we have nice discussions,they dont judge just as i dont..... just like you and I,we are finding out why eachother thinks the way they do,kinda,that sounds real odd lol but dont forget ive been hurt too its just my scars and pain drew me ever closer to Jehovah and made me want to stand even firmer beside him. Whatever reason people have to fall away thats truly between them and Jah, :) Has that come across ok??

  • villabolo

    Angeleyes; don't worry about our being offended, worry about the fact that Jah is not interchangeable with the JWs. Worry about the lack of spirituality shown when someone who claims to be serving God at the same time says that he/she cannot do it alone. Bottom line, the WTBS uses God as a puppet in what is nothing more than a blasphemous ventriloquist act. What they really do is worship the organization.


  • LockedChaos


    Out for 30 yrs.

    Same question to you as from Daniel-P

  • daniel-p

    Hey....I decided to go onto the internet few weeks ago really,when i joint for talking to apostates well thats an individual view id say :) I know some claim to be but by what they say its clear they arent,they are hurt and angry,which I can understand. Many on here pm me and we have nice discussions,they dont judge just as i dont..... just like you and I,we are finding out why eachother thinks the way they do,kinda,that sounds real odd lol but dont forget ive been hurt too its just my scars and pain drew me ever closer to Jehovah and made me want to stand even firmer beside him. Whatever reason people have to fall away thats truly between them and Jah, :) Has that come across ok??

    Yeah, I think I understand what you're saying. From what it sounds like, you're saying that you've been hurt by the organization, prehaps disagree with a few things, and want to find others like yourself so you know you're not alone.

    And that's EXACTLY what I felt like back in 2005.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Finally, the "committee" called me in 1981 and I told them to go to hell once and for all.

    I wish I could have seen that... My ex went to elder school in 70. You guys may have met...


  • villabolo

    Another thought, angeleyes, just as we don't think of ourselves as not being in "the Truth" so we do not consider ourselves as "falling away". Instead we've been lifted out of the dark pit that the "Society" truly is.


  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Yh defo been been through horric me BUT i wouldnt ever blame the society of Jah,nothing to do with any of them....I know the individuals will perish at armegeddon,i have the patience of a saint and can wait for aslong as it takes for Jehovah to punish them. I just always make sure that im in good standing before Jah,yes i'll make mistakes as im imperfect but id never ever leave Jah. It's going through trials that makes you stronger, i wont let satan mislead me by using some in the truth who are claiming to love Jah and yet by their actions clearly dont...i'll keep my spiritual suit of armour strong and intact :) (my posts are running short..booooo) Im not looking for others like me because anyone who's doing right in Jahs eyes will get attacked by satan,and in all walks of life imperfect people will hurt us,yet Jehovah never ever abandonds us...never :)

  • daniel-p

    Well angel eyes, if you're happy assigning your loyalty to an organization that really does not care about you, you should definetely give them your life. After all, you only have ONE life, and it would most certainly be wasted on this corrupt, white-washed organization. Good thing logic isn't your friend.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Logic is my middle name

  • jeanniebeanz

    Ok, so, you don't blame Jah because it is his org that is imperfect. You don't blame the org because it's really the people. You agree that the org allows abusive people or leaders to keep their positions of authority in the lives of their 'flock', but also believe that Jah is directing the org.

    My question for you, and I am serious now, when did Jah start leading the org you are a part of? I truly saw no evidence that he had anything to do with the org when I was in. The only evidence of direction was from the GB who lead the witnesses into one armageddon chase after another, flip-flopped on aspects of the blood doctrine causing great pain and hardship, and would allow their traveling henchmen (co/do) to give talks that they did not refute at the time even tho they knew the contents, and then blame the witnesses for misinterpereting, gave harmful direction in the areas how to approach mental disorders (depression), marital 'relations', parenting, education and non-reporting sexual and/or physical abuses of women and children to the authorities unless they were legally required to do so, and even then, try to do it anonymously.

    So, since when did Jehovah have anything to do with the Org you so lovingly call 'the truth'?


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