So who's been out the longest??

by angel eyes 90 Replies latest social family

  • Finally-Free
    Truth? Pioneering a priviledge? lordy,...

    It was a privilege to carry microphones as well. I enjoyed it because it made it easy for me to check out all the cleavage in the hall.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Do not forget the priveledges afforded to women in the troot... bathroom cleaning, dusting, cooking, giving demonstrations (never a primary talk) from the podium, being harrassed for looking too good in a dress... oops... how did that one get in there?

  • mrsjones5

    the privilege of cleavage...

  • jeanniebeanz

    Some are more priveledged than others, Sister Jones.


  • undercover
    being harrassed for looking too good in a dress...

    define "harrassed"...

  • TD
    If the "flat earth" religion teaches the earth is flat most would say it is a lie and those in the religion are not "in the truth".

    I think most would not use a locative or possessive preposition in connection with a word that expresses a state like, "Truth" anymore than they would with its synonyms. A more accurate way to express the error in teaching the earth is flat would be with a finite statement like:

    The flat earth teaching is untrue

    The flat earth teaching is incorrect

    The flat earth teaching is false

    The flat earth teaching is wrong

    The flat earth teaching is not true.


    Treating "Truth" as if it were a tangible object is semantic legerdemain designed to promote an unnecessary bifurcation. "Having" the "Truth" or "Being in" the "Truth" implies that one is wholly truthful whereas not "Having the truth" or not being "In the truth" implies that one is wholly untruthful.

    You expressed this corollary yourself when you compared the word, "Lie" with not [being] "in the truth."

    The reality is nothing of the kind. The hypothetical flat earth religion might believe many things that are true; the belief in a flat earth being the exception. Even the incorrect belief in a flat earth could be the result of ignorance, misundertanding or just plain old fashioned stubborness, but everything that is untrue is not automatically a "Lie."

  • jeanniebeanz

    define "harrassed"...

    As in hauled into the backroom and having my ass handed to me for wearing a tight little green dress that zipped all the way up the back. The neckline came all the way up to the neck, it had long sleeves, fell to mid-knee level and a cute little shiny black belt. The objection, seriously, was that the sisters didn't like the way that the brothers had become distracted by the dress...

    Did I also mention that I was 14? Morons the lot of them...


  • mrsjones5

    don't forget to add "pervs"

  • undercover

    I think a good many JW elder were sexually repressed and the sight of even an attractive 14 year old was enough to give them bad thoughts, so instead of controlling their own shortcomings they have to blame the "lesser" sex.

    Sorry for making light of a harrowing experience...especially at 14 years of age.

  • Farkel

    I've been out for 35 years. You can leave the Watchtower, but rarely does the Watchtower ever leave you.


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