Tell a minister why the Bible alone is not enough to reach jw

by carla 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    Reniaa...why is it that every time a thread is started, you immediately hijack it with your anti-Trinity comments? I don't see what the use of the Bible in reasoning with a JW has to do with your constant diatribes against the Trinity and the Cross! If you can tell me with a straight face that a JW would examine the Scriptures without the interpretation of the FDS/GB to reach their own conclusions, I will go back to meetings and get reinstated! We both know that is impossible, so your comments are the very answer to the original question of this thread...

  • isaacaustin


    it is just that...a hijack attempt to take the topic off its subject...since this topic was generating ideas which were accurate.

  • isaacaustin

    Back on the the early 80's when the WT started to really stress fear of apostasy (and this has continued till now)...coupled with a dumbing down of doctrine, as well as a lack of any sort of focus on their history...the average JW is not a deep thinker, will not research the orgs history but is lulled to sleep thinking they are in a spiritual paradise.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Because much of the bible is open to interpretation. Even that which isn't can be interpreted in a way that fits WT doctrine. JWs use the bible for only one reason: to prove the WT is right.

  • reniaa

    Did I hijack it? or am I just sick of people measuring witnesses by rules and standards they are unwilling to apply to anyone else?

    Do witnesses follow the bible? yes and any person calling themselves a christian would answer this in the affirmative.

    So what makes one christian faith right and another wrong? The only standards we have is the bible and holy spirit and I have found the Jws to be the most biblically honest as well as holy spirit blessed doctrinely. But I freely admit others may feel differently because they actually do or alternatively want to make themselves feel differently because of personal issues with Jws rather than anything they have against what we believe.


  • AllTimeJeff
    So what makes one christian faith right and another wrong? The only standards we have is the bible and holy spirit and I have found the Jws to be the most biblically honest as well as holy spirit blessed doctrinely. But I freely admit others may feel differently or want to make themselves feel differently because of personal issues with Jws rather than anything they have against what we believe.

    Thanks for allowing us our opinions. However, for the record, I have issues with JW's that aren't personal. It is a matter of record that they have lied about their modern day, 20th century beginnings and history. JW's have consistently changed. I defy anyone to find a 10 year period where one major doctrine didn't change.

    What JW's have believed from 1874 until this very day has been a big game of religious whack-a-mole. These are matters on record, and have nothing to do with extra "personal" offenses that may or may not have been committed.

    Having said that, when the Governing Body uses the bible to harm others, such personal matters become relevant, and do not discredit former JW's who point out the flaws and lies of the Governing Body and their dogma.

    All of these reasons, including their lack of forthrightness, is indicative of a cult, not the one true religion.

  • isaacaustin

    Did I hijack it? or am I just sick of people measuring witnesses by rules and standards they are unwilling to apply to anyone else?

    My reply: yes, you did. This is not about other relgions- it is about one specific cult.

    Do witnesses follow the bible? yes and any person calling themselves a christian would answer this in the affirmative.

    My reply: NO! They follow the Watchtower.

    So what makes one christian faith right and another wrong? The only standards we have is the bible and holy spirit and I have found the Jws to be the most biblically honest as well as holy spirit blessed doctrinely. But I freely admit others may feel differently because they actually do or alternatively want to make themselves feel differently because of personal issues with Jws rather than anything they have against what we believe.


    My reply: Your captive mind will always feel that way until ythe spell is broken. Many of us, myself included, left NOT due to anything personal and it is all about the false teachings of the WT.

  • isaacaustin

    Now back to topic....

    Another kep point in why the bible is not enough to reach a JW is the GB has convinced the members that they can not understand the Bible apart from them. They havve lulled them into a state of laziness/sleepiness where their critical thinking skills have been atrophied to the point of accepting all told them by the GB, regardless of how ludicrous it is.

  • isaacaustin

    Let me ask everyone this question: Obviously you will only for the most part reach a JW with an honest review of the orgs track record, not the Bible. The Bible is really a smokescreen by the GB. Is it easier to reach a born-in or a convert?

  • AllTimeJeff

    I don't know if one is easier then another. Coverts come in all forms, so do born ins.

    The best way to reach anyone who is misled is to ask basic, logical questions in a non angry manner. That is why the anger expressed towards apologists here are self defeating.

    The key is to kick start the brain and prime it with questions. At that point, it becomes a matter of seeing whether or not that person is intellectualy dishonest or not, after a certain point anyway. There is also a large emotional variable that can't be measured. (i.e. the emotional reliance one has on the structure of Jehovah's Witnesses as opposed to the dogma) At that point, there really isn't a whole lot that you can do to explain the lies when the person has a vested emotional interest in staying with JW's.

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