I Have A New Grandson But He's Very Sick :(

by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    He's back in the incubator, has an enlarged heart, the 2 holes in the heart are still there, and the docs say he appears to have either a lung infection or pneumonia like issues.

  • undercover

    Oh no... that's tough.

    Wish I had something inspirational and comforting to say, but I'm not too good at these things.

    Hoping the best for the little guy and sending mojo your way...

  • sammielee24

    Gosh...congratulations Min - we're thinking of you and your family at this trying time and sending positive energy your way...sammieswife.

  • minimus

    Thanks UC & SW. I'm getting pessimistic mow.

  • ohiocowboy

    I'm sorry that your Grandson is still having issues. It sounds like he is getting the best care he can get, so hopefully he pulls through this well. From what I have seen and heard, Babies can deal with a lot of things. I will continue to send positive energy your way in the hopes that he gets better and is able to go home soon. All the best to you and your Family.

  • snowbird
    I'm getting pessimistic


  • only me
    only me

    Oh my , I have a step- grand daughter that had some of the same problems shortly after she was born. Low birth weight, heart problems, pneumonia, ect. Now she is a bouncy, healthy 2 year old. Little ones are so tough when they need to be.

    It's difficult while you are going through it all, but so very worth it. Doctors can do so much to help the little ones now. we always believe that every day is a precious gift.

    Sending you much positivity and prayers.

  • minimus

    Update: Ben had a blood transfusion last night. The docs said he lost 30% of his blood because of them withdrawing it for testing. They said the transfusion will clear up his jaundice too. (Can you imagine JW parents leaving a little baby to die or get sicker because of their stupid understandings?)

  • undercover

    Well, min....you and your daughter's waking up to the truth about the WTS may have helped save a life...

    This is one child that the Society cannot have sacrificed for them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I wish the best for your little guy.

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