I Have A New Grandson But He's Very Sick :(

by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Minimus ...

    Obviously, all of us are very concerned and wish you and your family a healthy new addition to your family.

    I mentioned this to my wife and she said not to forget to tell you about her brother. He was only 7 months when he was born in Columbia 35 years ago! Although he had access to the best care they had there at the time, it is nothing compared to the advances that have been made since then.

    It's great to hear that your grandson has the quality care that will help him (and your family) to pull through this.

    Please keep us informed.

    Rub a Dub

  • undercover

    Glad to hear that he's breathing better. More mojo for the little man...

  • minimus

    Thanks all!!!!

    He's breathing better per my SIL. Like I said, I try to remain positive. I'll keep you informed.

  • blondie

    If he's like his grandaddy Min, he'll do just fine

    Are you suggesting that Min is a windy guy?

  • minimus

    Certainly not short winded.

  • JustHuman14

    My thoughts and prayers are for your family and grandson

  • minimus

    Just an update: I came home a half hour ago from the hospital. My daughter will be discharged tomorrow. Hopefully, by next week Ben will be transferred out of the hospital and be at home. he opened his eyes tonight for quite a while. I talked to him and I'm confident he'll make it. he even had his first poop tonite! YAY! He's got under develpoed lungs and a nit of pnemonia which they are successfully treating.

    Thanks for all your comments. I've imparted them to the parents.

  • purplesofa

    Great news!!!

    You must all feel some relief. When Jada was born she had jaundice and was almost to the point of being transferred to a better hospitol and possibly a blood transfusion. It's a huge worry when they are sick like that when firstborn.

    I know it will be difficult for your daughter to be home while her little one stays in the hospitol.


  • restrangled

    Sorry Min, I just found this thread....

    My thoughts are with you and your family. Please keep us posted about your new grandbaby as often as you can.

    Babies are tougher than you think....they come into this world to survive!


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Awww, the plumming works! I remember the relief when both of my babies' bodies showed that they worked as they should and they had all of their 40 fingers and toes

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