Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Attention seekers come in several stripes.

    Some have great boasts, others have their gripes.

    There are those who are balanced and fair.

    And then there are some whom the angels beware.

    Some have many posts and are still well-loved.

    Others just as seasoned have sticks and are gloved.

    Some have a rhyme or a little ditty.

    Others stand true and are known to be gritty.

    All of us posters must want attention.

    We're here for advice or to relieve some tension.

  • Narkissos

    To the thread title question: last thing I would do is start a topic about "them".

  • frankiespeakin
    Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

    Look at it as: a part of life, you got shy people you got exhibitionist, you got loud people,, you got quiet people,,you got all kinds,, some lots of fun some not a lot ta fun to be around,,you can use this no fun/fun,, fun scale it might be of some help. Be the master of your own destiny and respond accordingly,,If I come up with some more suggestions I let you know.

    PS:Press the ignore button that really gets them. It kinda like trying to bounce a deflated basket ball one or possibly 2 bounces tops interest quickly fades.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    WHAT THE ....!?!?!?

    This thread was SUPPOSED to be about MY preeminence as THE JWN attention whore!

    I OWNED this thread when page 1 starts. Great! I go get some sleep, go to the Kingdumb Hell, skip preachin' to go shoppin', come back here, and BAM!!!... MY attention whoring thread has been hijacked!?!?

    Well, I know how to fix this...

    [Billy's smile and wave] "Hi Reniaa!!" {FFAAAARRT... FART... fart}
    [Billy runs away. Slamming thread door with Reniaa trapped inside.]

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    LOL, Billy! You sounded just like Eric Cartman.

  • AllTimeJeff

    "Billy you ignorant slut!"

    This thread is about me. I just have yet to write one of my profound, 2,000 word essays where in the end, I mis-spell "athiest", "thiest", and use "their" and "there" incorrectly.

    Once I do that, I own this thread bitch!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Two Erics on one thread


    If a person is off topic.....Simply tell them to stay on topic or start a thread of thier own,about the topic they wish to dicuss.....ATJ did that with one of our more annoying trolls.....

    If that person continues to hi-jack your thread,ask the other posters not to respond to them.....I`ve done that more than once with an extremely rude troll that posts here quite often.....It works.....

    You have the power to control your thread..Don`t give that up to an Idiot that does not take a hint!


  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    It is best to ignore their comments. They are not written for anything other than for attention. Also its best to stop starting threads about them. If they can't show self control perhaps we can.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Okay BF, I'll be serious... now that everyone is probably ignoring me...

    In the class, the woman should be asked to write down her question. I wouldn't be offended if the instructor asked me to write out my questions so the instructor could carefully consider it to include in the next session. Everyone else's time is important and she ought not be wasting it trying to figure out her question. If she is unable to write down a clear, simple question, how can she expect an answer?

    For the woman in the shoestore, it's not so bad since you probably won't see her again. You handled it politely. It usually means leaving someplace before you intended, but you can return later. Just be glad you're not a clerk in the store that can't get away. Otherwise, I dunno you could pretend to be deaf or do the "fart and run".

    Of course, pretending to be deaf and the "fart and run" don't really work here on JWN, sorry. I usually ignore trollish behavior here. When stupid comments are directed specifically at me, then I get drug into the fray. I'll respond with severe mocking, quote scripture, or whatever I feel like. It's not like anyone takes some of these posters seriously. I mean... JW apologists that aren't even in good standing? They aren't even supposed to be here per Watchtower Corporation direction. Everyone knows that. Hojovah will destroy them with the rest of the third world babies that have never heard of him and his Big Book of Jewish Fables.

    B the X

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