Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    Anti-witnesses have their own buzz words and set rhetoric and what I find the wierdest but understandable I suppose, a complete dislike of using the name of God Jehovah even in reference to the Jehovah's witnesses name.

    Buzz words;

    - apostate

    - Governing Body

    - faithful and discreet slave class

    - Jehovah's earthly organisation

    - inactive one

    - great crowd of other sheep

    - anointed class

    - remnant class

    - earthly hope

    ...ah, I can't be bothered...

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Awe….. I feel a right party pooper now……

    But this might just be the answer of stopping ‘attention seekers’……

    The way to deal with people who seek attention is to work out why they do so. Reniaa for example needs to take on the apostate world and prove it wrong because she can’t get her head around the fact that she is going to die forever. She was never comfortable with that concept when she was out and just couldn’t take it as a reality. She then focused on a belief she once had and went out to prove it true because it held out the hope that she doesn’t have to die forever. So the harder she proves it (in her own mind) the more she doesn’t have to face the reality of her own mortality. So she will thrive on the attention she is given because it is reinforcing her belief to herself. So the more she is resisted the better and the more proof she will think she has.

    I must say for the record though that I think that the attention she gets on this site is invaluable and should be encouraged, because of the amount of people she draws out who wish to argue with her. We have a real live JW (or nearly) on the site and I think she is a valuable asset personally and would hate to see her stifled.

  • quietlyleaving
    I must say for the record though that I think that the attention she gets on this site is invaluable and should be encouraged, because of the amount of people she draws out who wish to argue with her. We have a real live JW (or nearly) on the site and I think she is a valuable asset personally and would hate to see her stifled.

    mr majestic, I agree. We are the beneficiaries in the long run and surely reniaa can see this. And this is why I have reservations about who she says she is. The only person who could put together such a convincing story and get away with it is our own dedpoet/linda/trevor. Whatever the case they need help

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said:

    People sometimes only get attention because they state an apposing viewpoint if tomorrow I suddenly started spouting apostate rhetoric I would be lovebombed for a whole thread and then I would sink into obscurity. bonafide it is not attention seeking to want to state your opinion and I can't help it if others want to slap me down because they do not agree with it.

    This site is extremely Biased against witnesses your threads are a classic example of feeding this anti-witness agenda, often baiting thread to draw out megative viewpoints only but I wouldn't be on here if the site didn't call itself so many people find it by accident and in their innocence believe the lies and half-truths twisted to suit apostate ends. If in a small way I can make someone sit back and realise the apostate agenda on here for what it is. then I consider I have done a good Job.


    My reply: Reniaa, you get attention becuase of your ridiculous staements, as well as yourprofessed deep belief in the WT system while being on a site you know they oppose. YOu get negative attention for making up a story that you have a handicapped child- something you ought to be ashamed of yourself for. So you get attention as a mentally unstable person who needs professional help.

    YOu are also full of it that you are only here because the site says "JW" and noble you want to defend the name in case an unsuspecting person comes here. That excuse would not fly with the WT, and someone coming here is likely already doubting anyway. Again reniaa, you need meds.

  • nameless_one

    This thread is hilarious. Oh the irony, and the predictability. MrMajestic nailed it.

    I think it can be destructive when Reniaa derails valuable threads, especially those started by new people, but I also agree that she (perhaps unwittingly) serves a very valuable purpose here. Her words and positions and arguments illustrate more effectively than any "apostate" ever could how absurd the WTS stance really is. I would wager that her posts tilt many more lurkers out of the org than into it, so in that respect keep on doing what you do Reniaa ;-)

    It would be nice to see it limited to appropriate threads though, this actually being one, so carry on lol.

  • reniaa

    Jehovah knows if I have lied or not let him be the judge and I leave you lot to your ad hominen speculations.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    To be fair Isaac - as a real JW, if I'd have accidently stumbled upon this site, I'd have just smirked to myself knowing it to be false and clicked out (and felt superior). And, I think, that's what 'real' JWs do now. They don't need to be 'warned away' by a WT wannabe victim - the WT already does that.

  • isaacaustin

    The Jehovah of the Bible that is reniaa, not the WT created jehovah. And your lying aboiut having a handicapped child is really sick.

  • isaacaustin

    Midwich, I agree there. What legit JW would need to be warned by a wannabe who lurks here and whose word is worht nothing to a JW anyway. LOL

  • brinjen

    OK Reniaa... I'll bite. I say "watchtower" instead of "Jehovah's Witnesses" because for as long as I can remember, (going back a long, long, looong time) I've never really been able to distinguish between the two. Jehovah's witnesses follow what the watchtower says... simple.

    As for being 'proof' of "buzz-words" etc... tell me again what is the official website for the Jehovah's Witnesses? Is it Or is it How do you think it was possible for Simon to get the domain name 'jehovahs-witness' in the first place? He (as I understand it) registered the name late 2000, some 4 years after the site went up. If they are so concerned about Jehovah's name (and protecting it) why was it available in the first place? It's not hard to register an available domain name... why wasn't it done sooner?

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