Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • reniaa

    Hi ex-beth

    You highlight the issue you equate being an apologist with attention seeking which I think has been the whole misapplication of this thread,

    Is it really attention seeking if you put a contraversial apposing opinion that incites a lot of comments from defenders?

    The assumption is you can write want you want but it's considered attention seeking if it isn't in agreement with the majority?

    I have strong opinions that cause comments but people don't have to comment on my opinions! I usually don't like to belabour a point so outlaw gives himself the credit for me making my point and leaving a thread lol.


  • DaCheech

    reniaa, why leave........ we are just starting to have fun

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Yes, I do think that you are an "attention seeker". No, you're not interrupting the classroom or pestering someone purchasing shoes. You are drawn to the attention that your pro-JW, pro-WT, apologist postings bring to this forum. That is the exact application of this thread. If you were NOT an attention seeker, you would obediently be at the Kingdom Hall, sitting together with everyone that uniformly agrees with the spiritual food printed in Watchtower Corporation literature and taught by Governing Body appointed Elders. If you were not an attention seeker, and genuinely pro-JW, you would not be here at all. But that's too boring for you really. You need to come here and post pro-JW stuff, just so the folks here can jump on you and what you say. You simply love that attention that you don't get anywhere else.

    I'll give you credit. You are a genious of sorts. You really keep things alive here with your "strong opinions". For example, with the recent conference call, the whole thread might have only gotten a couple of comments, a few dozen views, and started sinking underneath Burntheships' anti-Obama threads. But all you had to do was post a question about the reason Nick! was disfellowshipped and BAM! It's now at 7 pages and over 4000 views! Everyone here knows about what's going on in France now... thanks to you.

    B the X

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    do you realise what time it is in the UK right now? I think 4:10 AM. I think she was just up on account of one of the kids and is back to bed now

  • isaacaustin

    oh, you mean those kids she made up? You think she got up for them? Or do you mean you? Or are you her? Or is she you? Are you one with two different names?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    we each understand obedience and loyalty in our own ways.. Let Jehovah be the judge, according to what we are on the inside, and how it is projected

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    faulty notions lead to faulty questions

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Firing up the PC to post on JWN at 4 AM. Yeah, I'm going with "attention seeker".

  • AllTimeJeff
    Let Jehovah be the judge, according to what we are on the inside, and how it is projected

    Spike, for once we agree. I am more then happy to take you up on this. I hope you are judged as you would want, and how you project here. I am sure that Jehovah really appreciates you witnessing to the apostates.

    Don't forget to remind us of this every other thread! I forget easy....

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    "apostate" is not my line, so I'm off the hook I fish for fun here

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