Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    PS, Scully's Post 15325 is right on mark regarding my observation. Planning with them, letting them know that you will get to them in turn, and then following through as promised are all key in showing real, genuine personal interest and TLC, even to such an "attention-seeker". Well done Now if only all the others who are in positions of oversight would do likewise, and not be guilty of oversight [play on words intended]

  • Scully

    Girl from County Hell writes:

    Sometimes, these people have emotional issues that really call for counseling; they're not always able to see their own behavior as others do.

    Very true. My experience with these kind of folks here is that if they have issues that are beyond the scope of this discussion board to handle, and counselling is suggested to them, they tend to get very pissy about it and go into high-gear drama mode, claiming yet again to be victimized.

    I once had to block someone from seeing me on IM because no matter how many times I'd tell them that I needed to leave so I could attend to other IRL stuff (family or work) they'd continue to drag the conversation out and ramp up the drama to the point where I was afraid that if I left abruptly that they would do something to harm themselves. It got to the point where I found out they were using their spouse's facebook account to stalk me and then post stuff they found out via facebook that I wouldn't post here, so I had to block the spouse too.

    I don't put up with that kind of crap. Not for one minute.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    "Attention seekers" should be tolerated because it is not illegal to be one ... simply ignor or avoid them ...

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You just described my mother in vivid accuracy and detail. When I am firm with her, she threatens to take me to the elders for not showing her the proper respect that should be accorded all maternal units. My sister and I were her little Cinderellas, serving her every whim. She's very loud and dominates all conversations she's around, not just in.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    how to just disappear or something, methinks

  • chickpea

    white dove,

    i suppose it is too much to think
    that you mother would ever consider
    intervention for her issues?

    my daughter is now 21, and received
    nearly 5 years of CBT, cognitive
    behavioural therapy, (could certainly
    benefit from ongoing treatment
    but that's another story) and has
    a "toolbox" of strategies to help her
    arrest her borderline behaviour
    (one of her DXs was BPD)...

    she is as vigilant as a 21 YO can be
    about boundaries and inappropriate
    behaviours, circumventing many of the
    unsavoury and potentially dangerous circumstances
    people with undiagnosed and/or untreated
    mental health issues seem drawn to

  • Mary
    Reniaa said: but I wouldn't be on here if the site didn't call itself so many people find it by accident and in their innocence believe the lies and half-truths twisted to suit apostate ends.

    That could have been a viable excuse in the beginning of your postings, but certainly isn't (from a JW point of view), a valid reason for you to still be on an 'apostate' website a year after discovering it's not a pro-Witness site. Clearly, Reniaa has some major psychological problems and feels a continuous need to be 'persecuted' on here. She knows full well how people are going to respond to her inept postings which are generally nothing more than a cut and paste from the latest Craptower. Like a 5 year old who doesn't get enough attention, they start purposely doing things they know WILL get them attention, even if it's negative attention. Reniaa's no different. One of her very first threads on here was about her 'thinking of going back and her reasons for doing so', yet here we are over a year later, and Reniaa still hasn't 'gone back' to Mother. Yet when I specifically asked her why she hasn't, she refused to answer and claimed 'her right to privacy'. In other words, she's full of shit.

    If in a small way I can make someone sit back and realise the apostate agenda on here for what it is. then I consider I have done a good Job.

    Ah yes, and now we get to the real reason why she's on here: to make herself believe that she's 'turning someone back to the Troof' by uh, standing up to us apostates. The fact that we have been able to corner her and show her both from the bible and the Society's own literature, that this is not 'the Truth', she just ignores such inconvenient evidence and continues to go on her blind and merry way, repeating the same old nonsense over and over again.

    Reniaa, you haven't been able to make anyone 'sit back and realize the apostate agenda for what it is'. We've won every argument with you and have been able to back it up with evidence and facts. You have nothing to back up your claims exept your blind faith in a sinking cult. Meh, whatever knocks your socks off.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Reniaa is not alone here. Her "mate" (they sound alike) Spike is an apologist, as well. I've had fun with him on another thread

  • AllTimeJeff
    If in a small way I can make someone sit back and realise the apostate agenda on here for what it is. then I consider I have done a good Job.

    And if in a small way, I can through my experience as a Gilead grad, missionary and elder, expose the fact that

    • The Governing Body lies about their time prophecy teachings. They know their dates are a lie, yet teach them anyway as gospel truth
    • The Governing Body has a pattern and history of changing dogma back and forth, yet demand total obedience to both positions, no matter what their flock sees.
    • Discourages higher education because it teaches a person how to think and ask fair, yet critical questions about presumptive belief patterns
    • Have for their own self interest, kept pedophiles among them rather then turn them into the proper authorities, allowing futher abuse to take place
    • Disfellowship and shun as an extreme control mechanism, literally breaking up thousands of families for the simple offense of a disagreement in their very fluid and every changing dogma, or a mistake in judgment where harsh, unmerciful men have the power to cause the shunning to take place.
    • In their indoctrination campaign, ask that a householders religion be held up to close scrutiny through JW publications, yet forbid their own members from scrutinizing their own beliefs, again, making such a matter of potential shunning.
    • Encourage minors to get baptized and make a life long commitment far before they are ready to understand the far reaching ramifications of such a decision. (why baptize an 8 year old when they could be disfellowshipped at 16 and forever forbid from even talking with their family ever again? CRUEL! CULT!)

    If I can expose the agenda of JW apologists who come here and try to make every argument about a paranoid "apostate cabal" as simply trying to change the subject, then I have accomplished much myself.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I could not even find 1914 on Google! I found that other date, instead, in abundance.

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