Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    Ask Jehovah to return my kids PLEASE
    I accept anyones prayers for my most desired "want" to cuddle my daughter ....

    It is done.


    You are a special, beautiful soul, Grace.



    Mouthy..Reniaa has no elders..Reniaa has publicly stated,he/she does not follow the WBT$..

    You are dealing with someone who has no use for the WBT$ and will defend the WBT$ at every opportunity.....Crazy!!

    I really can`t believe some one with handi-capped children and a baby has this much free time..To defend an organization they have no use for..

    Either the Kids are Dead and Reniaa steps over them to get to the Computer..


    There are no kids..


  • isaacaustin

    Midwich, Another trait of attention seekers seems to be not only a craving for any attention they can get but a constant paranoid crying and whining of being picked on to get people to feel sorry for them. An observation too is that an attention seeker can be so starved for attention they will simply do or say anything to stand out as different, or controversial....hoping for the effects it will bring.

    What are your thoughts on that?

  • isaacaustin


    Do you think perhaps an attention seeker may make up details of their create a difficult life for themself in the eyes of others to attract attention? Just wondering your thoughts on that.

  • Mary
    MidwichCuckoo said: Mary - have you noticed how many recent posts include 'ad hominem'? Lol - I think she's found a new word and she can't stop playing with it, lol.

    Yes. I believe Reniaa thinks that using this phrase will actually give her posts some credibility---which of course they don't. She looked up the term after seeing it in another post and now tries using it to make her appear intelligent.

    Mouthy said: Now PLEASE tell me what was it in my prayer that offended you,I was asking GOD the CREATOR to keep your children in HIS hand.

    Mouthy, Reniaa doesn't like it when someone who she views as 'apostate' actually shows more of a Christian spirit than what she does. Witnesses---even fake ones like Reniaa----think they've got the monopoly on what is "truth" and of course are not allowed any sort of "interfaith" in their dealings with others. For you to pray a genuine prayer for her is a smack in the face (at least in her warped world) because she can't look down her snoot at you as though you're a lesser person than her. Witlesses can't stand it when someone from 'Babylon the Great' acts more Christian than what they do.

    Do you pray for me????You should!!!

    You're right, she should but she doesn't. She's far too busy trying to feel superior to everyone on here to bother with a little thing like 'praying for your enemies'. Totally two-faced hypocrite.

    issacaustin asked: Do you think perhaps an attention seeker may make up details of their create a difficult life for themself in the eyes of others to attract attention? Just wondering your thoughts on that.

    Does the name erynw ring a bell?

  • isaacaustin

    I agree with everyone's input here. Let's remember to try to keep this topic though on a general 'attention getter' as opposed to a person in particular. We do not want to feed any specific attention-getters sick desires.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Isaac - yes. If we all started agreeing with 'her', she'd get fed up and start either a) start posting the opposite or b) defect to a different site and deliberately post conflisting thoughts. Maybe she did stumble upon this site by accident (originally), enjoyed the attention as a newbie...but then other newbies came along and suddenly (just like at the KH) they got the attention. She needed to grab the limelight again...didn't really matter how...but she's going too far. After being on this board for nigh on one year (?) reniaa KNOWS Mouthy is a genuine lady, yet she still can't let it pass. If someone offered to pray for my child(ren) I'd be flattered and pleased that they cared (regardless of religion), even if I didn't sgree. I certainly wouldn't throw it back in their face. Reniaa knows what she's doing - and by insulting our much loved 'senior member' (I mean that in a respectful way, Mouthy) she'll attract more attention and negativity. She hopes.

  • isaacaustin

    Very true midwich

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Having read this thread my mind gets inevitably drawn back to Trevor/Linda/Cast of thousands. Trevor was the same - thinking that he himself wasn't enough to interest people. This must have lead him to creating the alter egos whose basic purpose was to make him appear much better than his own self esteem would allow.

    Whenever I chatted with Linda I noticed that pretty much every second sentence was about how wonderful Trevor was etc etc and she didn't have much to say that didn't relate back to him in some way. In fact it was a lot like a love sick teenager would behave and after a while got a bit tedious. Yes, I did feel awful about thinking like that when 'she' became ill!!

    At the root of it all seems to be a lack of self acceptance - no one will like me for being ordinary or humdrum, I have to be this really interesting person with such a drama fuelled life! Probably most people would have found Trevor to be an alright guy if he had just been himself.

    Personally I steer clear of some drama related posts, must be the dour Scot in me!

  • isaacaustin

    Kinda of makes me think of those movies on tv where a young girl becomes obsessed with being anoth girl and does everything to take over her identity...dresswise, habit-wise, and gunning for her job...a sick obsession...stemming from a low self-image.

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