I just sent an email to the governing body

by Awakened at Gilead 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    Will these ever be available for download?

    They might be in the future... How would that be helpful?

    I am planning on registering a website soon... I will be making plenty more videos, so that's my first priority... then to get a website set up to promote and host... its a lot of work and time involved...

  • daniel-p

    They might be in the future... How would that be helpful?

    I am planning on registering a website soon... I will be making plenty more videos, so that's my first priority... then to get a website set up to promote and host... its a lot of work and time involved...

    Well snap to it, guy! It's not like you have a new, non-JW life to live or anything!

  • IP_SEC

    "Try to telnet but to port 25 instead"

    Uhh ya I did. its shut.

  • Hoping4Change
    "Try to telnet but to port 25 instead"

    Uhh ya I did. its shut.

    I was just able to get open connections and an esmtp response from both mx1 and mx2. The response looks like this: 220 mx1.jw.org ESMTP Postfix / 220 mx2.jw.org ESMTP Postfix (italics mine) It sits and waits an SMTP command. (typically a HELO of EHLO command to begin a transaction)

  • IP_SEC

    rally? I'll try again then...

    just wanted to see if it would return a no user error if i tried some stupid address

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Woah, wait, you get a tour of the UN as par of the Gilead induction? Why?!

    I'd like more info on this, as well. I'm only one minute into the video and I have two questions!

    1) UN tour... why?!

    2) They learn their assignments at the BEGINNING of the course!? Can you confirm this?? I've always had the impression that they learn they learn their assignments at graduation, and "it's a total surprise" as evidenced by their expressions in the "To the ends of the earth" video.

  • watson
    He felt he wasn't good at "seducing" believers into atheism and that he preferred a straightforward approach. That said, he feels that it is good that all the different approaches are out there. The straightforward approach worked for me, maybe it would put others off, but it's important that the variety of approaches is available.

    Sounds like he prefers the "Direct Approach."

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Assignments are handed out mid course, sometime between the 10-15th week. Students find out the night before that they wil receive assignments the next day, so you can imagine that excitement runs high and its one more thing to get the Bethel drones all excited about.

    UN? I already mentioned... no reason is given, except that its part of the wild beast, so we should get to know it.

    Watson: Yep, I like the direct appraoch. I am proudly an ExJW who is not under the WT mind control. This concept freaks JWs out and makes the cognitive dissonance start whirring...

  • besty
    UN? I already mentioned... no reason is given, except that its part of the wild beast, so we should get to know it.

    sounds to me more like fulfilling a commitment made to the UN to educate their missionaries about the aims and principles of the UN

    then if they or their missionaries get into any hot water overseas they can run to the UN for protection

  • leavingwt


    Don't the Gilead classes also tour the huge Catholic church in Manhattan and The Met?


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