I just sent an email to the governing body

by Awakened at Gilead 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gladring

    Lance, I was just thinking about this the other day. What if the WT tries to pull this video. There's a group of people who have got together to fight against DMCAs filed by creationists. They may help if you are attacked. They created this video, maybe it will come in useful sometime.


    Steve2 said:

    You're probably just what the organization needs right now to feel "special" and increase its sense of being persecuted. Although your zeal for exposing them is understandable, your confrontational, hit-em-hard approach may not be effective - unless, of course, your major aim is just to hit 'em regardless of impact?

    Some people, atheists included, feel that Richard Dawkins approach is very aggressive and that it is counter-productive (I know Dawkins name is like a red rag to a bull for some people but it's just the example I am interested in here). I've seen Dawkins interviewed when he was asked about his approach compared to some other figures. His reply was along the lines that for some people another approach may work better. He felt he wasn't good at "seducing" believers into atheism and that he preferred a straightforward approach. That said, he feels that it is good that all the different approaches are out there. The straightforward approach worked for me, maybe it would put others off, but it's important that the variety of approaches is available.

    I don't really see how Lance's videos are confrontational. Many times he says "I'm not saying I know better than the GB, just that there are many ways of interpreting the texts." But to the closed mind...

    Keep it up Lance.

  • Gladring

    Woah, wait, you get a tour of the UN as par of the Gilead induction? Why?!

    Yeah, I wondered about this too. Was this during the WT's cohabitation with said "harlot"?

  • Fadeout

    Well done Lance. But watch your back... those grandfatherly GBs aren't above using hired goons... just look at their lawyers.

    David may have hated Joab's methods, but he sure loved his results... capiche?

  • LouBelle

    Is it really cloak & dagger stuff? They'll probably delete it without viewing and then advise rank and file to beware of the apostates & the net. I doubt they are too concerned about apostates - well not THAT much.

  • AgentSmith

    Now that is ballsy! Two thumbs up! It takes courage to poke the dragon with a stick.


  • Sunnygal41

    thanks, AAG! I had friends at Bethel, when I was a dub.........even stayed with them a couple of times and we always put them up when they came to our congo for talks. HE's a Bethel Elder.........wish I knew what his thoughts are when he gets the message. I just told him that I was happier out than I ever was in, and that I remembered them with fondness.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I don't really see how Lance's videos are confrontational. Many times he says "I'm not saying I know better than the GB, just that there are many ways of

    interpreting the texts." But to the closed mind...

    Thanks Gladring,

    I am trying to be as non-confrontational as possible in my videos, but I want the Society to know that there are people on to them... if it makes then change their policies as a result, then what I am doing is worth it. If it gets one dub in the tower to think, then it is definitely worth it.


  • McKafka99

    Will these ever be available for download?

  • Quirky1

    Any responses Lance?

  • Hoping4Change
    ahhh did an nslookup on jw.org. mail is mx1.jw.org. Telnet is shut. cant test

    email servers typically listen on port 25, telnet by default is port 23. Try to telnet but to port 25 instead

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