And this is why JW's think we are all crazy nutjobs

by lola28 60 Replies latest members adult

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    I didnt hear the conference call, and im glad i didnt. Someone named "Ravyn"(oooh, how very DARK) talks at length about obvious BS. Any clear-thinking doubter would understandably want nothing to do with this. And the same goes for those Goddamned conspiracy asshats here, choking the server with rehashed Alex Jones crap. Its makes me glad ive never recommended this site to anyone, i shudder at the damage that would have been done to their growth as free people.

    And about Mr. Fearon. Alowing this onto what is usually a pretty damn good teleconference call speaks volumes about his willingness/ability to properly vet his guests and their topics. Come on Rick, you can do better.

  • sass_my_frass

    While I agree that it's sad that people think they have to make up stories, I don't think any ex-witness has a responsibility to 'represent' being an ex-witness in any way. I truly don't care what witnesses, or anybody, thinks about me or my choices. I don't care what anybody reads into anything, or how they apply it to their own lives, or how it affects what they believe. They're humans and they'll pick and choose what they want to hear just like we all do.

    I'm not on the preach anymore - I don't need people to agree with me or to come over to my side to feel good about what I believe, and I don't feel any responsibility re helping them get from life what I've found. They're grown-ups - if I worked it out on my own, they can too. Since they think they're better off where they are anyway, what does it matter?

  • digderidoo


    Thank you for a good thread. I couldn't agree more with your post.


    lmao. That's the funniest thing i have seen so far today.


  • sweetstuff
    Personally, I don't care what JW's think about............well, anything. This is another example IMHO of what is wrong with the JW's in the first place. They are incapable of dealing with the real world. I was born in, and I'm here to tell you, that the basic tools for life are in short supply for JW's. If they are unable to come to terms with the fact that the world is a big place, and that humans are a diverse bunch (and that's not bad thing), how can they ever come to terms with leaving the cocoon? Those are not the ones that will leave anyway. The ones who leave will do it either because they have the brainpower to see all the inconsistencies, or because a personal experience pushes them

    I agree Beks.

    Additionally, the number of 'serious' comments, opinions or subject matter far outweigh those filled with nonsense. So - there's a discussion around 'swinging'...or 'satanic abuse' a few people..and? That's by a few people - not all. Just like those JW's who tell me to my face that they don't shun when I know they do, I have to recognize that not all JW's do shun and so, give some of them the benefit of the doubt. The world and the people in it don't owe anything to the JW's..most people go about trying to live a balanced life without interferring in anyone elses and most are successful at it. The JW's however, intrude by knocking on doors and trying to recruit people into a cult that in turn can systematically destroy the fabric of not only their lives, but their marriages and children, their economic situation and their future. JW's think the worst of people not inside their own society - it doesn't matter how generous, how kind, how moral, how nice you want to play - you aren't one of 'them' and therefore, are still not worthy. Does a topic 'they' don't like mean they will point a finger and go 'see, told you so?'. Most certainly. But they would find that in a word, another phrase, even an avatar, an icon or a name you made up...that is their pleasure, their reason for being. In order to be superior, you must find that little ant hill, perform some magic and turn it into a mountain - JW's do that when they wish and when they can.

    Just as JW's tell us and sincerely want us to believe that they are good people, a few bad apples but good people, so they should extend the same belief aye, the same courtesy toward all people. If they cannot, then they need to examine their own belief system and their own code of conduct.


  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    See this tread. Six Screens comments on conroversial call.

  • rebel8

    I can verify what "wha happened" said. This was a fairly well-documented phenomenon in the 1980s -1990s. I saw it playing out IRL as a counselor. About this time what was then called "Multiple Personality Disorder" and the phenomenon known as 'recovered memories' also emerged.

    I'm not attempting to claim that there is no one in the entire world who has ever been the victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse or who has had those psychological disorders. However, I worked in a facility that specialized in this, and I have to say I did not ever meet a patient who I believed really had these disorders or experiences. I always observed inconsistencies significant enough to leave a great deal of doubt.

    Most of the patients seemed to believe it; I do not think they were lying--I think they were incorrect. In this category I would say most of them had experienced real abuse and had been inadvertently led to believe it was something more. And how is adding to their trauma helpful? Well it's not. It is self-serving for the therapists.

    Some therapists really got off on the fame these patients brought them--they had access to a homegrown crop of "interesting cases" and were able to make up their own special treatment for it. They got a lot of attention from their fellow professionals. They created a niche for themselves--created a need for a service that didn't exist before--at a time when managed care was decreasing their case load. Whether they were 100% aware of their own motives is not for me to decide, but it seems the outcome was the same regardless of their intentions.

    Some of the patients, maybe 20% of them in this facility, were totally faking it for attention. I'm sorry but that's the truth. I caught them in many lies, and when confronted, they'd smirk. Then they'd claim it was one of their 'alters' making them act like that. Gag. The 'alters' could explain anything and excuse anything.

    It really became a circus and I found it extremely disrespectful to the actual victims of abuse who just needed a stable environment and honest, intelligent professionals to help them. For example, the 'play therapy' made me totally cringe, or at least the way some therapists did it. Taking adult victims of abuse and telling them to play with crayons and dolls, while instructing them to act exactly like a 4-year-old is twisted, IMHO. People can be nurtured and helped without resorting to crazy stuff like this.

  • sammielee24

    I didnt hear the conference call, and im glad i didnt. Someone named "Ravyn"(oooh, how very DARK) talks at length about obvious BS. Any clear-thinking doubter would understandably want nothing to do with this. And the same goes for those Goddamned conspiracy asshats here, choking the server with rehashed Alex Jones crap. Its makes me glad ive never recommended this site to anyone, i shudder at the damage that would have been done to their growth as free people.

    I listened to the call and although I'm a skeptic, I was willing to listen. Not agreeing with something or not having experienced it or seen it, doesn't make it crap and conspiracy. Tell that to all the victims of molestation and the victims of the 2 witness rule, who when telling of their own abuse and molestation, had the same sort of disbelief and skeptcism tossed their way. I know Witnesses today who still don't believe that pedophilia is a big problem in the society and who still believe that if a woman is raped walking past a bar, then she deserved it in some foul way. I may want more proof of wrongdoing, but I certainly wouldn't devalue the life and story of someone else. I also certainly wouldn't call Fearon on his choice of topic on his calls....if I don't like it, I can walk's his show and his call. People cannot be free unless they are allowed to stunt that growth by removing access to all sorts of media...that's the mark of the society. sammieswife.

  • Quirky1
    It think that as a community we have to be more responsible about the things we say and just as people we have to do our best to be decent to others.

    I agree!!

  • sass_my_frass

    I don't think we're a community - we're not a club, this isn't about membership or getting everybody to behave the same way. People are diverse - deal with it.

  • Cheetos

    Um, when ever a group as in this case the Jehovah's Witness's would rather let their kids die by (with holding) blood from them when it could save their life and then strut around in suits and flash their no Blood Cards like they are so chick, that in and of itself tells me a lot about just how stupid people can become. So refrain from saying that we on this board are "nut jobs".

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