And this is why JW's think we are all crazy nutjobs

by lola28 60 Replies latest members adult

  • LDH

    The latest fascination with the "swinger" lifestyle is just one example of what you're talking about.

    Dammit people there's plenty of singles forums and even craigslist if you want to delve into that lifestyle....I don't get why many think its appropriate to discuss.

    I can assure you, as an XJW and a happily married woman, that lifestyle is COMPLETELY out of the question for us, and having MANY worldly couple friends, can also assure any lurkers that this scenario has never even come up as a "would you like to"..... from any of these so called 'worldly' people.

    Not everyone who leaves the JWs runs to the nearest brothel to get a blow job and a blunt. MOST JW's leave the religion because of the astounding lack of love that Jesus said his true followers would exhibit, or they have found some doctrinal issue that they believed with all of their heart, is utterly false. Not so they can live the life of a drunk adulturous whore or pimp.

    Great thread.

  • jaguarbass

    The Tower has created enough garbage to throw at it without fabricating any.

  • BluesBrother
    there was a conference call where someone claimed to have been used in Satanic rituals at bethel

    I could not agree more with the original poster who condemned fabricated nonsense..The reality of this forum is that crazy stuff is usually shouted down and a measure of common sense prevails - if you read the whole thread.

    That would not stop the WT being able to claim that "apostates use the internet to claim that .........." and the faithful congregation are resolved to never believe what is said on line.

    We have to keep it honest and truthful, or we would be worse than them.

  • Gregor

    MOST JW's leave the religion because of the astounding lack of love that Jesus said his true followers would exhibit, or they have found some doctrinal issue that they believed with all of their heart, is utterly false. Not so they can live the life of a drunk adulturous whore or pimp.

    LDH, well said.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Here is my conspiracy theory. Maybe some of the goofier stuff is planted by loyal members of the Watchtower to detract from the real issues and make seem that all the negative information on the Internet about them is posted by liars and nut jobs.

  • watson

    I quit, I was thinking the same thing. Stranger things have happened. All's fair in "theocratic warfare," eh?

  • purplesofa


    I agree

    I don't worry too much about sincere JW's coming here and getting turned off by one loose cannon. Whatever sent them searching will not go away because they encounter odd comments here. Sitting in meetings, bombarded with ridiculous comments will take its toll on intelligent people no matter what happens here.

    Everything else I read was to me, opinion, even opinion based on facts, but I was sympathetic towards the organization, they meant no real harm.

    I found this board to call out crap and grew to respect the information here and most of the people, even believing in Linda and Trevor.

    I don't think this board is only about getting everything accurate.

    Many of us have learned to think for the first times in our lives, to seperate BS from what is real. A few hard licks along the way, can't be any worse than what the Organization did to us.


    We don't see threads like that any more here!
    But you can imagine what first impressions that made.

  • beksbks
    And this is why JW's think we are all crazy nutjobs

    Personally, I don't care what JW's think about............well, anything. This is another example IMHO of what is wrong with the JW's in the first place. They are incapable of dealing with the real world. I was born in, and I'm here to tell you, that the basic tools for life are in short supply for JW's. If they are unable to come to terms with the fact that the world is a big place, and that humans are a diverse bunch (and that's not bad thing), how can they ever come to terms with leaving the cocoon? Those are not the ones that will leave anyway. The ones who leave will do it either because they have the brainpower to see all the inconsistencies, or because a personal experience pushes them to.

  • sammielee24
    Personally, I don't care what JW's think about............well, anything. This is another example IMHO of what is wrong with the JW's in the first place. They are incapable of dealing with the real world. I was born in, and I'm here to tell you, that the basic tools for life are in short supply for JW's. If they are unable to come to terms with the fact that the world is a big place, and that humans are a diverse bunch (and that's not bad thing), how can they ever come to terms with leaving the cocoon? Those are not the ones that will leave anyway. The ones who leave will do it either because they have the brainpower to see all the inconsistencies, or because a personal experience pushes them

    I agree Beks.

    Additionally, the number of 'serious' comments, opinions or subject matter far outweigh those filled with nonsense. So - there's a discussion around 'swinging'...or 'satanic abuse' a few people..and? That's by a few people - not all. Just like those JW's who tell me to my face that they don't shun when I know they do, I have to recognize that not all JW's do shun and so, give some of them the benefit of the doubt. The world and the people in it don't owe anything to the JW's..most people go about trying to live a balanced life without interferring in anyone elses and most are successful at it. The JW's however, intrude by knocking on doors and trying to recruit people into a cult that in turn can systematically destroy the fabric of not only their lives, but their marriages and children, their economic situation and their future. JW's think the worst of people not inside their own society - it doesn't matter how generous, how kind, how moral, how nice you want to play - you aren't one of 'them' and therefore, are still not worthy. Does a topic 'they' don't like mean they will point a finger and go 'see, told you so?'. Most certainly. But they would find that in a word, another phrase, even an avatar, an icon or a name you made up...that is their pleasure, their reason for being. In order to be superior, you must find that little ant hill, perform some magic and turn it into a mountain - JW's do that when they wish and when they can.

    Just as JW's tell us and sincerely want us to believe that they are good people, a few bad apples but good people, so they should extend the same belief aye, the same courtesy toward all people. If they cannot, then they need to examine their own belief system and their own code of conduct.


  • StAnn
    there was a conference call where someone claimed to have been used in Satanic rituals at bethel and I think that’s when I realized how ridiculous and irresponsible some of the things that are posted here are.

    Okay, probably should continue to keep my mouth shut, but I'm going to give my opinion on this.

    I find the story that was told about satanic ritual abuse hard to swallow. However, I've known this person for some years and she has always claimed the same things. The only reason she went "public" on sixscreens was because her mother encouraged her to do so for her own peace of mind. She and her mother both believe the stories she told.

    I don't know that I believe them but I'm sure that she really does. This satanic abuse is a whole new area for me and, being that it's out of my comfort zone, I want to blow it off as "ridiculous". However, most active JWs are still blowing off accusations of sexual abuse in their own congs. as ridiculous. Just because it's outside of our experience doesn't mean it's impossible.

    What if Ravyn's tale was true?

    I don't know if it is or not. But if it is, she has the right to tell it and, if it's true, someone else who experienced this kind of abuse might gain the courage to come forward about it. Ravyn may be the sacrificial lamb who endures all of the ridicule and rejection to clear the way for other victims of this kind of abuse to come forward. It wasn't too long ago that a woman wouldn't bother pressing charges in a rape case because she knew that she wouldn't be believed.

    Who knows, maybe this is the next big scandal to hit the WTS and to potentially bring down their whole house of cards.


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