God's "official channel"

by Deputy Dog 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cheetos

    Gods official chanel my hind den. They know dam well that they are a bunch of shysters (a bunch of unethical, unscrpulous practitioners), playing on the emotions of people.

  • justhuman

    GB knows that they are a banch of old fools, false prophets made in U.S.A, they know that they are the ultimate expression of Capitalism....Yes they are the Ultimate expression of Capitalism, something that the capitalistic pigs in this world would have dream off.

    To use people and make them work for you FREE, and not only that. You managed them to give you money for their FREE work!!!

    This is the ultimate dream of Capitalism

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I want to understand exactly when you feel they "know" it's a sham, but go along with it, promote it, cover up falsehoods, etc. Do they get inducted into the GB, go to a meeting or two and then realize it's a cult, but just go along anyway?

    Since most dedicated JWs refuse to give opinions, it's hard to answer your questions. Having said that, refusing to give your opinion may be your first clue.

    When the R&F JW refuses to give his opinion, we assume he has stopped thinking for himself. I would submit that this is a conscious effort (though subtle) to deny the facts. He is still thinking, but refuses to tell you what his thoughts and opinions are, this requires more thought than simply revealing his own thoughts in the first place. This is usually caused by fear.

    Forgive me if this sounds judgmental, but, I believe this is human nature. This applies to everyone, not just JWs

    This level of dishonesty is like, when a soldier, who can't justify his actions, says I was just following orders (passing the buck). With some experience, this isn't that hard to spot. Most of us can see when a witness feels uncomfortable answering questions.

    Another level would be, the well documented "Theocratic War Strategy". Do you really have to think hard to see, that the WTBS has redefined lying? Where this has been done in courts, do you think the witness doesn't know this is lying? A lie is a lie. It doesn't matter who you are lying too or if the person is entitled to the truth or not.

  • leavingwt


    Since most dedicated JWs refuse to give opinions, it's hard to answer your questions. Having said that, refusing to give your opinion may be your first clue.

    Many of us here were dedicated JWs. We are giving our testimony. We were fooled, misled. We believed we were serving God. Why should we assume that the majority of current JWs are any different than we were?

    When the R&F JW refuses to give his opinion, we assume he has stopped thinking for himself. I would submit that this is a conscious effort (though subtle) to deny the facts. He is still thinking, but refuses to tell you what his thoughts and opinions are, this requires more thought than simply revealing his own thoughts in the first place. This is usually caused by fear.

    The cult member is taught that any thought that is out of harmony with official dogma is "Independent Thinking", and therefore sinful, rebelious. He clears his mind of those thoughts. He does not speak them, for fear he would stumble others, etc. As you say, this is from fear: a fear of displeasing God or even a fear of the Judicial Machinery, which he he unlikely to admit, as it would show spiritual "weakness".

    This level of dishonesty is like, when a soldier, who can't justify his actions, says I was just following orders (passing the buck). With some experience, this isn't that hard to spot. Most of us can see when a witness feels uncomfortable answering questions.

    Cult members start with a foregone conlusion: "I am serving the only true God. I am 100% certain that the instructions given to me by the Society are right. Moreover, even if they are wrong (gag) I must follow, because doing otherwise would be an act of disloyalty to God." It's this mindset that allowed me and allows current JWs to do all sorts of awful things, in my opinion. It's disgusting, and I'm relieved to be out of the cult.

    Another level would be, the well documented "Theocratic War Strategy". Do you really have to think hard to see, that the WTBS has redefined lying? Where this has been done in courts, do you think the witness doesn't know this is lying? A lie is a lie. It doesn't matter who you are lying too or if the person is entitled to the truth or not.

    Agreed. A lie is a lie.

    The cult member, engaging in Theocratic Warfare believes he is doing God's will. JWs can be disfellowshipped for "lying", but they will be praised for Theocratic Warfare, as such warfare is just, righteous and necessary, etc.

    One thing we agree on: It's a dangerous cult, and the lies and deceptions are wrong, no matter what is going through the minds of the participants. I have helped more than one person recognize the truth about WT and I'm hoping to assist more.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I hope I'm not giving the impression that this couldn't happen to anyone.

    Many of us here were dedicated JWs. We are giving our testimony. We were fooled, misled. We believed we were serving God. Why should we assume that the majority of current JWs are any different than we were?

    At the outset I'm sure you were fooled, or misled. That was the first step of abuse. As you said earlier we can't read minds. We are all individuals with different experiences and pasts. To answer your question, this self-deception happens in different ways and different times in the lives of JWs.

    My problem is, believing that GB members get to the top without dealing with these things along the way.

    Do you believe the GB members don't know that they are being asked to do the "thinking" for the org. What other possible reason is there, for filling the seats? What else can they offer than their opinions?

    The cult member is taught that any thought that is out of harmony with official dogma is "Independent Thinking", and therefore sinful, rebelious. He clears his mind of those thoughts. He does not speak them, for fear he would stumble others, etc. As you say, this is from fear: a fear of displeasing God or even a fear of the Judicial Machinery, which he he unlikely to admit, as it would show spiritual "weakness".

    How do they do this? I think this is really what we are exploring. Wouldn't this require some thought?

    Cult members start with a foregone conlusion: "I am serving the only true God. I am 100% certain that the instructions given to me by the Society are right. Moreover, even if they are wrong (gag) I must follow, because doing otherwise would be an act of disloyalty to God." It's this mindset that allowed me and allows current JWs to do all sorts of awful things, in my opinion. It's disgusting, and I'm relieved to be out of the cult.

    The fact that you are "relieved" says a whole lot. Why the tension? Doesn't this indicate some sort of inward struggle?

    One thing we agree on: It's a dangerous cult, and the lies and deceptions are wrong, no matter what is going through the minds of the participants. I have helped more than one person recognize the truth about WT and I'm hoping to assist more.

    It's my hope, that it is also the point of this discusion.

  • ellderwho

    My mom(jw) is very sincere and believes the GB is Gods channel, but she will not allow herself to "go there" and explain it. The fear is that she might have to get into an area which is gray at best.

    The fear that she will not be able to give an account for this "channel" is what keeps her away from it. Hence the self deception.

    This could be an area of "apostate thinking" or, if I may quote the WT "where do you get get your spiritual food from?"

    Mind control? In its purest form!

  • leavingwt

    How do they do this? I think this is really what we are exploring. Wouldn't this require some thought?

    Steve Hassan explores this. I think he calls it Thought Stopping.

    Here's a WT article, telling members what to do, should a bad thought come into their mind:



    Prayer, meetings, and personal study help us fill our hearts with upbuilding thoughts. True, bad thoughts will enter our minds from time to time. But when they do, we can simply refuse to dwell on them. We should go to Jehovah in prayer immediately if we ever find ourselves tempted to do what is wrong.

    I can still recall my heart racing with guilt and fear, the first time I looked at JWD. Why? Because of a phobia, put into my mind by the cult. Independent thinking/thinking outside the box, disagreeing with the Slave are things that cult members are trained to put out of their minds, because it could cost them their very life at Armageddon.

    Cult members must be blind followers. They receive instructions and they follow them, even if they don't make any sense.

    When they feel uneasy about any of this, they quickly tell themselves that "this is Jehovah's will". They are made to feel that if they are uncertain about something, the problem is with them, that they have a lack of faith, because the Society is not wrong.

    I realize how absurd all of this sounds. I can assure you, however, that it's all too true, unfortunately.


  • orangefatcat

    As each and every day goes by, I just know these members of the GB are aging rapidly, I mean these men are really old, what happens when they are all gone. What will happen then, who will take the helm as it were? I recollect just before I left in 99 the WTS claimed they were grooming younger ones to take spots as members of the GB, I am not so sure if this is so. But be that as it may the problem lies next in who is going to be the next high commander and chief?

    It will be interesting to see what transformation will happen with in the next five years. They are selling off everything in NY City and moving out into the rural area. Or Are they really just going to take the rest of their lives to rest and let the younger groomed ones take over? I suspect it will never ever be a offical channel used by God, it will become a legal empire. They have left themselves open for millions of dollars in laws suits and for each case they loss think of the legal costs on top of it. It will be astromonical. It is interesting to see what is going to happen soon.


  • leavingwt


    Here is a good quote that is found on Rick Ross' site:

    "Thinking to a cult member is like being stabbed in the heart with a
    dagger," said Patrick. "It's very painful because they've been told that
    the mind is Satan and thinking is the machinery of the Devil."



  • sacolton

    GB members are replaced by someone who will threaten to go public with all the lies and deceit unless they are given a nice cushy penthouse on the top floor.

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