God's "official channel"

by Deputy Dog 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    I agree 100% with garybuss. We, formerly R & F members, as has been said before are treated like mushrooms i.e. kept in the dark and fed manure.

    Whereas those at the top have a good reason to keep us in the dark. Maintaining their powerbase depends on it. If the average dub knew just a fraction of what goes on higher up most I’m sure would leave.

    I don’t see Raymond Franz admitting that they all knew it was a fraud as this would clearly reflect on him and the time that he spent as an integral and leading part of this great deception.

    I see no point in looking to him for clues.

    Raymond Franz, for all his subsequent good work at attempting to make amends for his part in this great deception, it seems is still reluctant to bear his share of the responsibility and hence as far as I know has never apologised publicly for his gross error in perpetuating the Watchtower

    SCAM, TRICK, LIE, and the BLASPHEMOUS INSULT that it is, as a previous poster once amply demonstrated.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Unless we can somehow read their minds, we'll never know, unless they leave and tell us.

    You may well be right about that, but 16 years of being lied to in law enforcement, has given me some good instincts.

    When people lie to cover things up, they always know what they did was wrong.

  • dogisgod

    My mother and I talked about this. She believed the GB was the FDS. I asked her if she would trust every decision in her life to be defined by some guy she had never knew. She said no, but I said you let 17 penises in NY do that to you. AND why do they exclude female remnants? Gotta have that little ol appendage to get God's direction first. Maybe like a lightening rod.

  • oompa

    If this is the "God Channel"...would somebody please pass me the frikkin remote??........oompa


    Interesting thread..A lot of opinions.....I`d have to agree with Deputy Dog.....If you have to lie,you know your doing something wrong.....So as Genuine as some GB Members may appear.They are willing to lie..Those lies speak volumes about the GB`s sincerity.........................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt


    Is it just the GB that are knowingly liars? What level does it start at?

    Did you know any local elders that knew it was a sham, but went along, enforcing the bull?

    I want to understand exactly when you feel they "know" it's a sham, but go along with it, promote it, cover up falsehoods, etc. Do they get inducted into the GB, go to a meeting or two and then realize it's a cult, but just go along anyway?


  • leavingwt

    I agree 100% with garybuss. We, formerly R & F members, as has been said before are treated like mushrooms i.e. kept in the dark and fed manure.

    Whereas those at the top have a good reason to keep us in the dark. Maintaining their powerbase depends on it. If the average dub knew just a fraction of what goes on higher up most I’m sure would leave.

    I don’t see Raymond Franz admitting that they all knew it was a fraud as this would clearly reflect on him and the time that he spent as an integral and leading part of this great deception.

    I see no point in looking to him for clues.

    Raymond Franz, for all his subsequent good work at attempting to make amends for his part in this great deception, it seems is still reluctant to bear his share of the responsibility and hence as far as I know has never apologised publicly for his gross error in perpetuating the Watchtower

    SCAM, TRICK, LIE, and the BLASPHEMOUS INSULT that it is, as a previous poster once amply demonstrated.

    I just want to go on record, to stick up for Ray Franz. His books changed (or maybe saved) my life. He slaved for the cult for 52 years, only to be kicked to the curb by them.

    Please show me some evidence that he is "reluctant to bear his share of the responsibility".

    After reading your comments, I can only guess that you've never read either of his books. If I'm wrong, I apologize.



    LeavingWT.."Shit rolls down hill"..If the lies start at the top,it will filter down to the R/F JW.....I`ve had Elders show me a Blue WBT$ book and say:"If the WBT$ says this Blue Book is Red,then I say it`s Red too!"..These Elders were not ashamed to tell obvious lies,even at the cost of their own credibility.......I`ve had people who lived through the 1975 era tell me they never preached 1975 was the end of the Old system and the new system would be here..Among them,my own parents.Who preached 1975 for decades..Then denied it..Why?..Because the WBT$ said so......................................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt


    Thanks for sharing that personal experience. It's amazing how WT can re-write history, and the rank and file start believing it, despite the fact that they know better.

    Do you think your parents' actions are the result of the cult indoctrination/mind control? Do they really think they never preached the 1975 thing?


  • smiddy

    Self deception,rationaliziing,pride,not wanting to be seen as a fool,beleiving what you WANT to beleive,even having your ears tickled,spending so much time and energy in the "truth",WANTING to beleive that it is indeed the "truth" all these things added to the years you spent in the org.,you quite easily keep perpetuating the lie.From the time I came in till the time I left was 33 years.It was a gradual leaving probably over a couple of years,little niggly things that were not quite right,but you couldn`t put your finger on it ,and then the penny drops!!Initially maybe things aren`t going right in your life,your looking for some answers,JW`s come along and solve all your problems with "Gods Kingdom" YOU BELEIVE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BELEIVE, it solves all your problems.The GB members are still in a state of DENIAL as we were when we rejected critisisms of the organization.Or then again it may be true as Carl Sagan said "They are shamelessly dishonest"


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