News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by TooBad TooSad 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • justhuman

    WT is using fear to control their members...this is the fact. I do not believe that they will have any pre-1975 growth as someone stated in this topic. WT they are losing ground beneath their feet and they know it...this is a fact that WT one day will end...

    Internet is one of the major factors, plus there are so many books regarding cults and mind conrol heretic Cults and groups. The growth in Europe and Western countries is zero to minus. It doesn't take much for a new bible study to research regading WT. I know this through my personal expierience. When a person starts a BS is visiting web sides that all are critical to the WT. They can find about their false prophecies and scandals, and they are stoping to have association with the JW's.

    The only tactic WT has is fear upon their members. But the question is for how long they can use that fear in order to keep JW's from a massive exodus. I recall when I was young at the 80's and all that fear they use upon us. One day it finished, and as a result WT has no power on me. Those young ones today have no idea what happened in 1975, or the generation. Sooner or later they will grow and gete tired and will start to examine WT and they will follow the path of the exit, like many of us. The only think is that WT leadeship will buy some more time before they will end as an Organization

    WT is like the Titanic, is sinking, and the GB knows it. All they can to it is to try to save their money from the coming destruction

  • 2112

    Could it be that they are trying to generate a quick cash influx and then say the tribulation is here and we are closing our doors. then they dissapear with the money while the r&f are trying to hide from the boogie man?

  • Pachemu Nyet
    Pachemu Nyet

    The Great Trib will start on a 'Wednesday'... give or take three days

  • StAnn

    TBTS, I thought the Dubs had been "on the watch" for the GT. Seems like I remember a district assembly titled Keep On the Watch, or some such nonsense. Aren't Dubs always prepared, every day? How much more prepared does your wife plan to get?


  • Babylon the Great Employee
    Babylon the Great Employee

    I disagree that the WTBTS is sinking. Even though JW's have one of the lowest rates of retention among religious groups, including evangelical/more "extreme" religions, they still don't have a problem recruiting new members. The recruitment in areas of poverty/underdeveloped nations is especially notable, considering the lure of an end to suffering, coupled with some charity, goes a long way to aid recruitment. While there might be a mass exodus because of the pedophile scandals and the new crackdown on college, there will always be new members to replace the old. Remember what Barnum said about suckers...?

  • Cheetos

    What bunch of excrement, if you really want to know the future get hold of me after I have downed four pitchers of Bud.

  • cruzanheart

    Four pitchers of Bud? The future is a trip to the loo?


  • deddaisy

    "Common guys, let's not jump to conclusions.

    After all, this thread was made because someone's wife's friend's husband supposedly heard some news from a meeting in New York.

    Doesn't this suggest to anybody that this may be only a rumor based on a misunderstanding?"

    It's a possibility but doubtful, isn't the End always right around the corner? Why else would JW's BE JWs? It certainly isn't because of their Christ-like love for their earthly brothers that they go door to door. Not all, but the majoriity of JWs that I know, have a twinkle in their eyes when talking about Armageddon and all those "WORDLY" people finally being DESTROYED by the loving Jehovah, THEIR GOD. (HE's NOBODY ELSE's GOD BECAUSE JWs HAVE FULL COPYRIGHT) Even the illustrations in the lovely old PARADISE book that I studied as a kid showed Imperfect Adults and CHILDREN, BICYCLES and PETS being devoured by the opening cracks in the earth. It did NOT show CANCER and DEATH and INJUSTICE being devoured, only humans and animals.........................SERVE ME OR DIE

  • jehovahsheep

    hopefully it will be their gt

  • elder-schmelder

    When is the term "Last Days" not correct? Is it after 130 years?

    Should we get a new understanding and call it the "Last decades" or "Last Century's"?

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