News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by TooBad TooSad 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Rabbit

    Aw-right now...settle down folks. This is obviously some sort of rumour or joke.

    Jesus CAME again invisibly in October 1975. The evil worldlies are dead ! We, all of us, passed the test and are now enjoying Paradise ™.

    Besides all that...the 1,000 years of peace the Bible promised us hasn't passed. So, the 'next' Big Judgement Day won't be here til after 2975 AD and the next Great Slaughter Day will be a "short time" later.

    So, stop worrying.

    But, then, you knew all that, didn't you?

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    The thing of it is... as long as they say its "close" .... everyone LOVES that... they FEED on it! When they announce it at the convention everyone claps, holds up their arms and goes "whoop whoop whoop!!!!!!" the brainwashing, mind control, whatever you want to call it makes them love it, and makes them cling to it more, the bastards. They need to do this for the people that might be getting discouraged by the bookstudy change or the moletsters are going to be pulled back in the ranks.

    It's sad. it's just sad. all our families and all our friends... its just sad. they just dont know better ,and dont know HOW to know better.

  • Farkel

    :elders are being told to go back to their congregations and to get them ready for the Great Tribulation.

    Funny thing is, the Society hasn't said much, if anything about what to actually DO to "get ready" for the big Tribulation. Picture all these fools running around and trying to second-guess what they need to do to "get ready."

    Husband: "Honey! We have to get ready for the GT! Now! What should we do?
    Wife:"Quick: make up some signs that say "This House is Already Taken" and stick them in the front lawns of those "paradise" homes in Beverly Hills we've picked out to take over after Armageddon."
    Husband: "Check. Will do. Next?"

    Wife:"Burn all that porn you have stashed."
    Husband: "You knew about THAT? Oh, never mind. Check."

    Wife: "Change the sign on the Kingdom Hall to "Christian Science Reading Room."
    Husband: "Check. Should we get some Vicks Vapo Rub to put by our noses to kill the stench of the rotting bodies, hon?"
    Wife: "Sounds good. Put it in the same box as that case of Whiskey we're taking with us."

    Husband: "Check. Is that enough whiskey to get us through?"
    Wife: "It will be if the other elders don't find out about it. Otherwise, we're screwed."

    Wife: "Don't pay any more bills."
    Husband: "Check."

    Wife: "Pack some solvent. They may tar and feather us."
    Husband: "Check."

    Wife: "Gas up the car."
    Husband: "We don't have enough money to do that with today's prices."

    Wife: "Steal it, goddammit! This is the GT we're talking about here."
    Husband: "Check."



  • Graham G.
    Graham G.

    Good point. Eventhough I would'nt put it past the WTS to pull this nonsense off. But so far it's heresay.

  • chrisjoel

    wow I never thought the price of gas was going to trigger the gt...

  • Mastodon

    I just received a letter from The Great Tribulation Administration, I have been chosen as a Tribulator, which means that I am not worried, I'm safe, but woe to all of you who do not heed the WhackedTower. I will be poking each and everyone of you on the ribs with a tiny silver fork until you submit to the will of the bOrg.

    Oh! And apparently, I may have already won a million dollars! Yeyy for meeeee!

  • amicus

    "Fear sells!!!"

    That comment pretty much sums it all up. Politicians use it, Religions use it.

    Intelligent discussion is so passe. Hot button topics for the win!

  • smiddy

    When I became active in 1960 the bro who studied with me said the system could not last more than 5 more yrs.Every year he would say that not realising the carrot was continually being dangled in front of us.The penny eventually dropped 33 years later for me.Silly boy I am

  • parakeet

    TBTS wrote: "The WTBTS knows what they are doing. They are pros at the carrot on a stick and serve me or die."

    It just hit me when I read that sentence that the WTS controls dubs through a process similar to one developed by psychologists in mid-20th century called "operant conditioning," which rewards correct behavior and punishes aberrant behavior.

    In Tom Wolfe's book, "The Right Stuff," NASA psychologists trained chimpanzees to make the first space flight in the early 60s in preparation for the humans who would follow. They trained the chimps to flip the right switches at the right times in the space capsule simulator by rewarding them with food pellets if they did it right and punishing them with painful electric shocks to the feet if they got it wrong.

    The process worked great. During the flight, the chosen chimp flipped switches like nobody's business. But the psychologists discovered two drawbacks to the training. During the training and the flight, the chimps' blood pressures were sky-high, and when the flight was over, the previously compliant chimp went berserk inside the capsule, ripping out wires, catheters, and anything else he could get his paws on.

    I doubt that the GB trolls ever heard of operant conditioning, but they're using it, subconsciously or not. No wonder JWs have so many mental health problems.

    Loved your preparing-for-the-great-tribulation dialogue, Farkel. I never understood why or how JWs needed to get ready for anything -- isn't Jehovah supposed to protect them if they've been faithful (i.e. enthusiastic booksellers)? And if the GT is to take place worldwide, as the WTS would have us believe, there can be no escape from it anyway.

    Blue bolts to the feet and monkey treats -- it doesn't take much to keep dubs in line.

  • Hortensia

    This is a funny thread.

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