Are people born hamsexual?

by SixofNine 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    I think that perhaps we are born hamsexual, I know I was. But the important question is, what are the benefits of hamsexuality? First, is the great fashion sense. Greasy fingers, BBQ sauce stained aprons, and porky breath just scream "Hamfabulous". Second, the...uh...well, the...ah, the hell with it. There is know second reason, but it sure taste good.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I am about to put a huge pork butt roast into the oven! I love pork of all shades, creeds, and religions! I adore a simple ham and bread sandwich. Pork chops, RIBS, even pickled pigs feet! But like DUTCH says.....Nuthin' Burps Better'n Bacon!!!!

  • joebin

    Some studies show that some people are unaware they are hamsexuals, until their first pork that is.


    Yes, this is a most interesting and intriguing subject.

    Opening my Cookbooks and Frued simultaneously!

  • Finally-Free

    Is that what "pulled pork" really means?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I must 'out' myself as a hamsexual. The last time I baked a ham, I got a really big bone from it.

  • hillary_step

    What is more to the point, what are your favorite songs by Hamsexual?

    Mine is, 'The Blind Shall Lead the Mind', closely followed by "Patty Horror and the Sizzling Pig".


  • Rabbit

    God warns us in Leviticus 11:26 not to even touch the carcass of a pig. But, he had also already given us "all" the animals to eat. This is very Watchtowerish, if you ask me.

    I like my ham & eggs. There's nothing better than those big pork & beef German sausages or bacon-wrapped unclean scallops or shrimp. But, really...sometimes, I get so tired of the hamo's agenda being crammed down my throat, as it were. There are others out there that need to be eaten, too.

    Leviticus 11:6 states that even yours truly, Mr. Rabbit, is unclean. Why is this? I bathe. I wash behind my big ears. I was born this way. Why is it 'wrong' to eat me? Luckily, some in our enlightened age no longer listen to those old words that were scrawled on sheepskin & papyrus by goat-herders we don't know.

    I support the hamosexual's, but they should try to accept rabbitylingus, too. It's perfectly, deliciously natural.

  • stillajwexelder

    and here in the midwest they sure make a good pork tenderloin

  • bisous

    well ... dunno, but I switch off between ham and cheese quite a bit ... and when I mix them, well ... let me just say, that's a sandwich this white bread girl just loves to party with ...

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