It's not's a damn good marriage is about to end...

by oompa 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Thank you ALL!!! That is just what I needed! All of these comments help me to think....focus....and yes to not just feel only despair.

    and OTWO : How about you stay sober today?

    I am not going to give in to this crap today!....It is sucking the life right out of me.....Heavy daily drinking for the past week has left me almost with almost no energy today....I almost ache all over....but no headache. Just kind of wiped myself out. I have been SUCH a crappy model for my sons......This has to stop.......So thanks again for all the butt kicking and encouragement!!!!!.................oompa

  • BizzyBee

    A little comedy relief:

    "Say it with me..............all together now.............."

  • anewme

    Oompa booze is a BIG LIE!!!!!!
    It is just like all the other scams out there. It promises you something but all it does is take your money and leave you intoxicated and crying like a baby "Boo hoo poor me!"

    The booze is definitely part of the problem. Give up the booze and you will start to see what path to take to improve your life.

    As jws we were taught not to get angry about things. But that scam worked to keep us pacified little zompbies for the GB and elders.
    It is ok to get angry about the scam the society has pulled on you and your family and all of us!!!!
    Getting drunk everyday will only make you look silly and a loser and helpless to fight the society's influence on your wife and kids.

    Take command, take charge, be a hero to your sons. Show them what life is all about. Show them how to be a spiritual man, a man who loves God, but who is not some sucker for a scam religion. That kind of man takes life seriously and holds it precious and enjoys the great outdoors and takes care of his family and his own health and has fun.


  • HappyDad


    I've been there a long time ago. I thought my problems were the worse things ever but learned my biggest problem was alchohol. Once the alchoholism was put in check, the problems weren't so big at all. An alchohol clouded brain turns mole hills into mountains.

    This is what helped me............

    AA works if you really want it to.

    And if you can't put up with the God stuff....try thisl


  • dogisgod

    Oompa, I'm with Dinah on this one.

  • FreedomFrog

    I do not agree with oompa's life decisions and I feel he needs help and maybe a "kick in the ass" from time to time. I also feel he understands he needs professional help from reading his posts. I feel and have faith in oompa that he WILL and CAN accomplish this.

    I don't agree with people making statements such as this comment

    It's not her and it's not the JW's - it is YOU. If you ever got that, you might begin to turn your life around. But I seriously doubt it.

    Ok, the first part I have no problem with...sort of a "slap in your face" which may be needed...but to say "but I seriously doubt it" is a negative comment and is (in a delicate situation IMHO) telling oompa that "no matter what, he's screwed so might as well give up" . Giving encouragement...even if it has to be "tough love" is negative encouragement can also be destructive. Again, IMHO.

  • darkuncle29

    No shortage of tough love. Good. There is alot of good advice here. Here's an old thread of mine that may be inline.

  • JK666

    I agree with Freedom Frog on this one.

    Sometimes people have to be blunt to get through to somebody. It should be more delicate if the person may be suicidal, but that wasn't the case this time.

    Others are mean because they are frustrated douchebags, and just want to cause others to be as miserable as they are. Satan has a pineapple waiting for those people ("Little Nicky" reference).


  • dinah

    That pineapple thing made me laugh. Hitlet bending over everyday. His own special hell. Hilarious.

  • moshe

    Oompa- you have to look yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Divorce is painful and messy when the lawyers get to stirring the pot- (drags it out and they get more in fees) , but there are no shortcuts to being true to thine own self. Good luck.

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