Watchtower Farms plans millions in expansion

by Grammy 41 Replies latest social current

  • 5go

    BTW which is more important wallkill or patterson

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Maybe, just maybe, they might be expecting guests, like Abraham, Issac, or Rutherford. Nothing wrong with a little spring cleaning, and making the accommodations more livable for their guests.

    The article doesn't mention any underground bunkers, or weapon storage facilities. Are they already in place?

  • SnakesInTheTower
    Such religious and other groups are under heightened scrutiny from town officials. A recent court ruling allows governments to reject the property tax exemptions in some cases. Assessors will be taking another look at some organizations as a result, Schoeberl said.

    Goody....I think they should yank the religious tax exemption from ALL religious organizations that are not directly related to a charitable function (ie, homeless shelter, soup kitchen, clinic, etc)...those things they should get an exemption for, because otherwise the government has to step in more. I have no problem with exemptions for salaries related to running such things.... can you imagine how that would affect the budgets of all those school districts struggling right now? They could either give the teachers raises, or lower the taxes on everyone else....

    ..they should also impose labor laws on the Borg...including paying at least minimum wage, overtime (because you know they work 44 hour work weeks, not including Special Duties such as Night Watchman), social security, medicaid, unemployment, worker's comp, federal and state income taxes... go after them for back wages and taxes....

    If the Brooklyn properties revert back to tax paying status, and the Borg is not taking anymore off the books upstate, then that is a win win as far as I can see

    Back in the mid 90's I worked on the last expansion at Walkill for a month...they were adding a couple residence buildings and a garage then...that was before the factory expansion.. I can see that the Society is getting out of is not efficient to keep things there now... Really, the only thing in Brooklyn is administrative functions..easily absorbed into Walkill and Patterson.... and that means less maintenance on those buildings..and less support staff (housekeeping, dining) take care of them...meaning a hell of a lot of layoffs...

    Patterson and Walkill are equally important....Walkill is the Production function and Patterson is the Administrative/"Educational" Brainwashing Function will be a real blow to the local city congos...all those Bethelites leaving...probably mean they will have to combine congos...LOL...of course the reverse will happen in upstate NY and CT, and PA....more Bethelites..but I doubt expanding the number of congos...the thing about Bethelites...they can assign them to go were they are needed up to an hour away (with gas prices, that has to suck)... and I wonder how many of the city Bethelites even have cars?

    Can't wait to see how this plays out....keep us posted

    Snakes ()


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    This is the start of the new look country club image gone will be the inner city look in with the new facade.Welcome to the new model, just like any other business corporation they have to keep renewing and making the so called improved product and infrastructure changes.

    White washed sepulchur anyone? Welcome to the upmarket exclusive club away from the great unwashed .You too can become a member as long as you work hard with the product placement.Those who will benefit most of course will be the wizards at the top of the echalon ,those who call all the shots.Vow of poverty anyone?

    Millions now living will go wow! Millions in the grave will be spinning and old Rutherford ,Knorr and Franz would be saying " way to go man."

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    No Way!!! With Armagedon soooo close they won't have TIME to finish this expansion!!! Surely the governing $$$$ Body doesn't lack faith by saying the End is still many years away. When they began building Patterson Education Center I though there IS NO WAY it will be finished before Armagedon...I bet my life and future on it!!..... Well I'll be damned! was finished....I feel like a bit of a D##K. {not Dork}

    Like the saying goes "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." {no more of my money, thanks!!}

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Where is the GB right now? Are they living in Brooklyn, breathing in smog, and sleeping in tiny rooms? Or are they in the country, sitting in their adirondack chairs and drinking mint juleps, like Colonel Sanders?

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    Imagine the money they can make by selling off their remaining Brooklyn real estate. That property must be worth a fortune.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I bet they are building a retirement home for faithful JW's with no pension or savings. And you guys thought the WTS doesn't care about old folks. For shame.

  • daniel-p

    "BTW which is more important wallkill or patterson" Wallkill, by far. It's the main printery and shipping center for the most countries of any one branch. Patterson is basically just a teaching and retirement community. Its human resources can be moved anywhere. Brooklyn used to be the printing and shipping center - its not being used as that anymore, so there's no point in being there when they can cash out big time and have way more facilities and property for their money in upstate.

  • 5go

    I wonder why Google earth blurs wallkill?

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