WHAT do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?

by LtCmd.Lore 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rosalee

    The question in this topic is :What do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?"

    In the KJV of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 the word "Lucifer" is used. It is in reference to the King of Babylon. It is a mocking question about his lofty position .. in his own mind .. and how he will be abased .. to the 'pit' .. hell or hades.

    To be sent to 'hades', one has to considered human. It being the resting place of the dead. Spirits do not go to the common grave ... thus ... this reference cannot be to Satan ... a spirit creature.

    Thus the name Lucifer is not a name for Satan.

    At one time, it was understood to be but is now recognized not to be.

    That being said, His teachings are not noteworthy.

  • JCanon
    Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration of new ideas and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth.

    Lucifer propagandizes about "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought." But it's a deception. Fact is, God pulled a fast-one on Satan and he's upset about it. God basically, in order to get rid of Satan WITHOUT having to deal with the "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought" interference Satan comes up with to resist God, simply decided to get rid of Satan by killing everybody. It is his right to give men and angels temporary lives just as with the animals and plants. Fact is, though, while Satan was delighted that God would have to kill all his children just to get rid of him, death isn't really that big of a deal unless it's permanent. That's where Satan got fooled. Yes, he will kill every single angel and human just once, but for his favorites, he will bring them back after death. That's his choice. Those who don't make his favorites list will remain dead. So "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought" have nothing to do with it. It's not part of the equasion in a situation where men and angels become just like the animals and plants and have a temporary life.

    What this actually means, is that big court case where Satan wants to argue his ways vs God's ways will never really happen. It's as if God conceded to everything Satan said or would claim. "No contest." But Satan still ends up dead. How is that? Because all those who support and love God volunteered to die so God could get rid of Satan without having to listen to a single word of argument. The punishment of death, ultimately, therefore has nothing to do with sin. Death is the natural process for men and angels since they were not created immortal, not even Jesus Christ. Only those faithful to God get to come back! So really, it's not about dying at all that's the critical thing, it's about getting resurrected back.

    So what can Satan say against God and his grand and egotistical requirements of obedience? Nothing. People who want to believe Satan's way is better and join him, fine. It doesn't matter. Righteous or unrighteous every is put to death, even Jesus Christ. Problem is, what can Satan say from the other side of death? Nothing. But how much of a "sting" does death have if you're only dead a short while and come back to live forever? It's nothing. It's forgotten. So God turned the tables on Satan. Death is not a big deal if you're coming back, but its a HUGE deal if you're not coming back, which Satan isn't. My, my, my, what an incredible waste of all that reason, intelligence and cricitical thought!

    Tsk! tsk! tsk! Too bad.


  • bigdreaux
    God basically, in order to get rid of Satan WITHOUT having to deal with the "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought" interference Satan comes up with to resist God, simply decided to get rid of Satan by killing everybody. It is his right to give men and angels temporary lives just as with the animals and plants. Fact is, though, while Satan was delighted that God would have to kill all his children just to get rid of him, death isn't really that big of a deal unless it's permanent. That's where Satan got fooled. Yes, he will kill every single angel and human just once, but for his favorites, he will bring them back after death. That's his choice. Those who don't make his favorites list will remain dead. So "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought" have nothing to do with it. It's not part of the equasion in a situation where men and angels become just like the animals and plants and have a temporary life.

    wow, that makes me all warm and fuzzy. yeah, i want to work for someone like that!

  • IP_SEC
    Lucifer propagandizes about "reason," "intelligence" and "critical thought." But it's a deception.

    Assuming you mean Satan (Lucifer and Satan are not the same). It was Satan who told the truth. "You Will Not Die In The Day You Eat From It."

    The other god, remember? The one posing as creator? He lied. "In The Day You Eat From It You Positively Will Die"

    And dont give me no crock of bullshyte about a day being a thousand years or some such nonsense.

  • bigdreaux
    Because all those who support and love God volunteered to die so God could get rid of Satan without having to listen to a single word of argument.

    uuuhhhhh.........this is such a ridiculous statement i don't even know what to say. aren't millions of christians looking forward to paradise so they won't have to die? hey jc, you could lead the pack. mass suicide! you first.

  • IP_SEC
    Because all those who support and love God volunteered to die so God could get rid of Satan without having to listen to a single word of argument.

    May I add bigdr?

    So JCanon... Are you for or against human sacrifice?

    Just replace this alter with a Crux Immissa

  • JCanon

    Many say that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, that he gave his life for humans. The truth is that he most certainly did NOT give his life at all. He's still alive in heaven, putting on the guilt trip and getting ready to destroy all that oppose him. And his concept of saving mankind, is actually to bring everyone back to the state of ignorant bliss that they were in before, in the garden of Eden.

    This is a technicality. Christ could have died as an angel and then been brought back. But in order to save mankind, a righteous angel had to be born in human form as a perfect man and then give up his right to have children in exchange for Adam's children by adoption. So in that way Jesus died for mankind by becoming human for mankind. So mankind specifically owe Jesus their lives.

    Again, the fact that Jesus is alive now addresses how Satan was tricked since it was his intent to murder all of mankind, which he accomplished, however, the Ransom Sacrifice allows for those murdered to come back to life based upon being adopted by Christ who removes the sin of Adam from them. So how effective really is killing someone if they end up coming back to life again? At the same time, when Satan is killed no one will bring him back, he will be dead forever. The KEY was to trick Satan into a death situation on a legal basis. That's why it says that Satan does indeed bruise Jesus in the heel by his temporary death at the first coming, but Satan as the original serpent is bruised in the head, which is a permanent death blow.

    Someone had to become human without being born as a paternal descendant of Adam in order to set up the Ransom Sacrifice and that was Jesus, especially since he was in the middle of all of this anyway. Jesus had fallen in love with mankind so that God then granted his next wife to be the humans from the earth. Satan was probably jealous as Satan, originally, was the wife of Jesus. At Genesis 3:15 where it mentions "the woman and her seed", that is a reference to Satan and his/her followers who will oppose Christ and his seed. Thus God was talking to Jesus when he said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman (Satan) and between your seed and her seed." And it was to Satan (the woman) that he said, "He (Jesus) will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."


  • bigdreaux

    this isn't a jesus thread anyway. it's a satan thread. HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

  • JCanon

    They even make up lies about Lucifer. Saying that he was jealous of Yahweh, and that Lucifer wanted to become the new god... These are lies, Lucifer never made any attempt to force humans to worship him, like Yahweh did. He never tried to take Yahweh's place. In fact, his very purpose, was to free us of Yahweh and everything he stood for. Lucifer gave us freedom.

    Guess what? I was a witness to the "war in heaven" so I know what happened. The "war in heaven" wasn't with weapons but with words like in a trial. Satan was put on trial to hear his case. The end result was, regardless of his claims that God made him so beautiful and the way he was and he had no choice but to rebel and all that, that even if he was totally unhappy and wanted to rebel against God, absolutely under no circumstances could that justify killing all of mankind. If Satan truly had dignity and stood up for his cause, he would have made a grand gesture of commiting suicide or allowing God to kill him. But once he killed others, which was not out of dignity or honor but spite and being the lying bitch that she really is, that was it. All the heavens demanded her death and were willing to die themselves to make sure that death sentence was imposed.

    But that was the hypothetical legal position for those who ultimately will claim God was partial or harsh or something and there would be no end to accusing God. So what all those supporting God did, from Jesus on down, was to volunteer to die once. To allow for God to impose a temporary limitation on their lives. They would prove their loyalty to God by voluntarily dying. That way it removes all legal issues as far as accusing God of anything. It's God's right, as the Creator to grant life as a "gift" even if it is temporary. There is no law that God breaks or any unkindness if he grants temporary life. So that's also what Satan is upset about, because God is the one who first caused all his children to "pass through the fire" killing them all in order to get rid of Satan and his rebels, just because of the temporary lifespan policy. Only after that occurs, obviously, God then has the new opportunity to choose what new life he will bring back and he brings back everyone who didn't rebel and who voluntarily died for him. That is why it is said if you try to hold onto your life, like Satan and the rebels do, exercising their "freedom" then they lose their soul as far as coming back and living forever. But if you surrender your soul for God's cause, then you will get it back.

    Thus we in heaven, loving the Father, also made sure there would be no legal claim by Satan against God in the end, though the trial did find him totally unworthy of being brought back and not honorable since what excuse was there to kill innocent people as part of the rebellion? God understood Satan to be the murdrous lying bitch that she is and so baited her with the prime opportunity to prove what she was really made of. A chance to hurt God and Christ by killing their favorite love focus now, which was mankind. Satan thought this would be an ultimate triumph, to test God's laws to see if he'd impose the death penalty. He did, but in the end, because of the Ransom sacrifice, Satan kills few more than would have been put to death for not meeting God's standards anyway.

    So it's great. After Satan was kicked out of Heaven around December 25, 1992, the heavens rejoiced and partied for about three solid days after that! Satan had been such a HUGE PAIN IN THE ARSE to everybody that they were glad Satan was finally kicked out and there is no doubt Satan was deserving of death, even though he would have died "naturally" anyway since God did not create the angels with eternal life at first, because he couldn't resist murdering mankind, a creation Satan felt jealous of and superior to.

    So Satan is clever and created with great wisdom and beauty and sophistication, but she/he is no match for God. And it is not God's ultimate power and might that results in Satan's death, but the legal authority to grant life or not to grant it. As long as all the faithful to God were willing to accept a temporary life and accept death, then God was not discriminatory about imposing death on everyone. That is, he made everybody pass through the fire, including his only-begotten son, Jesus. So Satan along with Christ, bad or good, would be put to death, so technically it didn't matter if Satan had issues or not. But it's FUNNY at this point since it's not DEATH to be afraid of but not being resurrected back to life. The quality of DEATH is whooly dependent upon whether it is permanent or temporary. Satan hadn't thought that far a ahead.

    As a result, God gets his way as usual and those who support him will now own the heavens and the earth in peace without Satan disturbing everything. Satan is the ultimate cartoon character now, and those whom she looked down on will end up with more glory than any of the angels even, which is a smite in the face of Satan. Christ's new wife from the earth replace Satan as Jesus' wife (i.e. Satan and Jesus are the two covering cherubs represented on the Ark of the Covenant).

    So we in heaven are quite happy the way things turned out and Satan can only be on his soapbox for a short while longer then he/she will be gone FOREVER, having failed to kill those whom God and Christ love, like Daniel and Nehemiah and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the faithful ones of old and billions of others. All that are wicked and would have never been chosen for life anyway are the only ones who end up dying, regardless of what Satan did, so how effective was the rebellion? Satan and 1/3 of the angels may have well volunteered to commit suicide and leave the universe for those who love God. They think they are dying with their pride, and maybe so, but they are all still losers and considered completely stupid and worthless.

    The Heavens are ECSTATIC! We're just so happy Satan fell into that trap and now will face oblivion! No more Satan! GREAT!


  • bigdreaux

    jc, once again, this is not a jesus thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to post that, do it on another thread!!!! this is for good old lucifer. NOT JESUS!!!! there are PLENTY of other threads for your ramblings.

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