by esw1966 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    As blondie pointed out so well, if the shoe were on the other foot, we would want to be respected.

    Braindead: sneaky but effective.

    Really? How many of your recipients have left the society since your campaign? Do you, personally, respond to junk e-mails that you receive? I'm a firm believer in only sharing information where I've been invited. Then they do listen.

  • Scully

    At this point, you need to stop. Now that she's drawn the line in the sand, whenever you cross it she has grounds for filing harassment or stalking charges against you. Eventually, if you continue contacting her, she'll have enough evidence to have a restraining order put in place. If you violate that, then you're looking at being in contempt of court, with fines and maybe jail.

    It wouldn't be worth it for me.

    Why do we torture ourselves? Why do we keep going back to the people who emotionally abuse us and reject us in the name of Christian Loveā„¢? We don't need to martyr ourselves to their abusive behaviour.

    What we need to do instead is to live our lives to the best of our ability, and never look back. There's no better revenge than living well.

  • nvrgnbk

    What Gregor said.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Have a local florist deliver flowers with a card that says, "Condolences on the death of your brother."

  • NewYork44M

    Do not respond - PERIOD!.

    Get on with your life. Your greatest revenge is to live a happy and successful life without them.

    I know this has been said already. But I am writing to register my vote.

  • whyizit

    This is a comment from someone outside of the org.

    I was once Queen of the Silent Treatment when I would get mad. My brother called it my "spoiled-brat syndrome". I would get highly pissed at him, and cut off all communication. It was my attempt to control him. My way of punishing him. But you know what?

    It ALWAYS backfired! I was the one who was miserable and thinking of him all the time.

    Eventually I would try to patch the fences and we would get on with being siblings again. My biggest regret is that I would try to drag our poor Mother in the middle of it. I made her just as miserable as I was. That haunts me.

    I hope your sister isn't pulling that one.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If you must have the last word, make it simple and concise and final.

    I shall not contact you again. I love you, and no matter what choices you make in life, I would not ever show such 'love' by cutting you out of my life. Just know that when you finally see the 'truth' for what it is, or even if you prefer to accept it as truth forever, I shall love you without condition. I shall cry for you, as your hatred for me is unhealthy and unnatural. I shall pray for you to take the courage to find out why I dared leave. I shall love you forever. Now I must get on with my life.

  • greendawn

    What's behind it is the classic example of manipulation, the FDS moves them to follow a certain course that is beneficial to them for a given set of reasons whereas the real reasons are different and serve the interests of the FDS himself.

    Avoiding contact with ex members like the plague is advised supposedly so as "not risk getting ensnared by the Devil losing the favour of jehovah and thus eternal life". The real reason is that they want to protect themselves from getting exposed as the fraudsters that they are, losing all credibility and influence over their victims.

    For them it could well be a matter of life and death their positions are in fact totally unable to stand up to any scrutiny hence the ruthless severity of their shunnng policy.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I think you gotta let this one go. It looks like any response you give will be ignored!



  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Nathan Natas: PERFECTION! I wish I would have thought of that while my mother was shunning me! I could still do that for my sister, but I don't want to waste the money!!!!!!! Maybe just a sympathy card though! Thanks for the idea!

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