I was a Jehovah's Witness for 30 years, from age 9 to 39. I was disfellowshipped in February of 2005 for writing a girl not my wife online. I was TOTALLY of Witness mentality and wanted to get my life together and go back such a strong Witness. Well in my many adventures that didn't include leading a debauched life, I found my beliefs deficient and such that alienated me from God! I am now born again and for the first time in my life I HAVE FOUND JOY! I find that pretty significant in that I am now divorced, disfellowshipped, alienated from my kids who meant EVERYTHING to me. God has shown me the way to walk and I am grateful to Him. I am here to help other ex Witnesses and any brave JW's! I'm here for encouragement and assistance in dealing with the JW mentality. I hope I can be of help to you and I hope that you will be there for me! My story can be found at http://spaces.msn.com/esw1966