JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cheetos

    What a dummy he should have just sang happy birthday, that is a no brainer.


  • PEC

    IMHO, she is a pompous, self-righteous, holier than thou, bitch and deserved to be fired for any of those reasons.


  • snowbird


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    http://www.razzoos.com/default.asp this is the web site of the rest. that fired the jw NO HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAITRESS. I Took the time to call them on the phone. seems they all know about the lawsuit, but didn't want to say much. i did get out of them that birthday parties is a good part of thier business. with music and a fun crowd. looks liked a fun place, all i can say is just after talking to the employees and looking over their website. this is not a place a FINE UPSTANDING JEHOVAH WITNESS WOULD EVEN WANT TO WORK. but i guess $$$$$$$$$ and tips are more important than fine christian values as taught by the wts. P.S. THE manager thanked me for my support as he said the locals are supporting them also. john

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    from the razzoo's web site about employee's "Our people have as much fun as you can workin' and they're going to do their best to make sure you have a good time too. We only pick the ones with loads of energy and great personality and we're real proud of 'em. We can cook all day and say all kinds of nice things about ourselves, but in the end, it's our staff that's gonna make your day and get ya to come back for more." so i would guess this jw lied about making patrons happy , comfortable and want to come back for another meal or BIRTHDAY . I GUESS THE theocraptic warfare helped this girl con the manager into giving her a job. and helped here more in suing this rest. for $38000 . i want to know who here that say this girl is right would hire her to work in your co. that you owned? john

  • sf

    I concur FULLY with EVERYTHING johnny has stated in this thread.

    What part of "we are NO PART of this wicked system of things" does this $$$$jw$$$$ not comprehend? For that matter, every other jw in this "wicked sysyem"?

    Boo effin hoo already. Geezzzzzzzzzz

    When are the jws who still post here going to stand up and tell their fellow members all the lies that they keep learning from all us apostates??

    And you sit here and care about a crybaby jw who sues a worldly restaurant, as jw children are at risk...right now! LOL!!!!


  • sammielee24
    What part of "we are NO PART of this wicked system of things" does this $$$$jw$$$$ not comprehend? For that matter, every other jw in this "wicked sysyem"?

    Kudo's to you for saying it like it is. That's the thorn in my side with this issue. JW's spout hatred for the world and every non JW person that lives in it, yet they feel such a great entitlement to what the world and it's worldlings have to offer. Can't get much more hypocritical than that. Lies dressed as theocratic warfare are still lies. sammieswife.

  • sf

    Be sure to read viewers comments below { excellent } article:


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    When I first saw this story on the internet, I sent an email to the company. Here is my letter, and their reply:

    -----Original Messa e-----
    From: Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:02 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Jehovah's WHO Jehovah's Witnesses don't smoke. Would a Jehovah's Witness work selling cigarettes in an Indian Smoke shop? NO They don't celebrate Christmas. Would they work in a Christmas Tree manufacturing plant. NO If she had never been to your establishment, and got a job, after the first 10 minutes, and found out that she had to even listen to Happy Birthday, several times a day, she should have left right away. AND I don't know what your dress code is, but the way the girls were dressed in the news video, a real JW would not dress that way, nor would she work in a place where others were dressed that way, least people associate her with them. Just as it would be, if she clapped and smiled while others sang Happy Birthday. As a former, DIE HARD, JW, I have never eaten in your establishment, or even heard of it. But you can bet, that when I'm in Dallas , very soon, I will gladly come in, and have a great time!!!!! My birthday is this month. I think I need to take a trip, to RAZZOOS, for good food, and a catchy little song. Sincerely, D*******

    From:"Jeff Powell" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
    To:" sbcglobal.net>
    Subject:RE: Jehovah's WHO
    Date:Wed, 4 Oct 2006 11:24:31 -0500


    D****, I appreciate the support and hope you do come in to see us for a great time! This case is ridiculous. Unfortunately these claims are becoming more regular. We are a healthy company that I am very proud of. We conduct ourselves in a professional manner and treat all of our employees and guests with kindness and respect. Come check us out when you are in town. Thanks for taking the time to contact us. Jeff Powell

  • Mary
    Look at it from the company’s standpoint. They are hiring people without knowledge of their personal and religious beliefs. The least they could expect is that the person applying has a clue as to what the business does and requires of them.

    While I intially thought the company was wrong in firing her, I think I'm seeing their point of view on this issue. I'm not sure what the States' laws are on hiring, but here in Canada, you're not allowed to ask what religion someone is on the application form, because religion isn't supposed to play a part in employer/employee relations anymore. So in that sense, I can understand the company being pissed off that she wouldn't sing 'Happy Birthday' as it's apparently part of the job. And if she was so dead set against singing this song of Satan Happy Birthday, she should have let the manager know up front. But she didn't. As per usual in Dubdumb land, they have to make a mountain out of a molehill. If this 19 year old Dub was truly a 'Christian', she would have quietly resigned her position when she was made aware that this was part of her job. Instead, she lets herself get canned and then sues for 'Wrongful Dismissal' and wins $38,000.

    While I'm sure her congregation is patting her on the back for "giving a fine Witness", this is yet another example of the ongoing 'bad publicity' that the Witnesses are needlessly exposing themselves to, as the public's opinion is going to be "you've got to be kidding me." After all, would Jesus ever sue his employer for 'discrimination'?

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