JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I see no problem with the suit. Wait staff should not be expected to make a big deal about a freaking birthday. Friendly, courteous, and accurate service is what should be expected. Nothing more, nothing less. Cip, you have some issues. Have you considered getting counseling for your anger?

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    I took many waitresses jobs when I was a dub. It was the only thing I could get without a degree that paid a bit more decent. I even worked in stores during holidays. EVERY store is going to have something that is forbidden to JW's from time to time. Just because we don't agree with the way non witnesses handle things doesn't mean that we agree with the borg. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    While the Israelites could not eat unbled meat, they were allowed to sell or give it to non-Israelites to eat. That's a precedent. Just because YOU can't do something doesn't mean you should interfere with, or even have some participation in the activity that enables others to do as they feel.

    With that in mind, working in a store that sells Christmas gifts, or handing a pack of cigarettes over the counter, or EVEN carrying the birthday cake out to the table and singing the song should be okay... for a JW.... SCRIPTURALLY.

  • GetBusyLiving

    : i was happy when i read the other thread about some stupid jw dying from child birth , b/c of blood.

    This is one of the most fucked up things I have ever read on this board. I'm as hardline as you are on a lot of JW related issues Johnny but, are you serious about this? Anyone that dies because they refuse a blood transfusion is a completely dyed in the wool cultist, and a victim. It's your opinion to have and I'm not criticizing you as a person but HOLY SHIT man.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    OK, if you want to take a quick break from dub-bashing, have a go at ASCAP and their lawyers.


    I'll bet the restaurant wasn't paying royalties. I've heard ASCAP even went after the Girl Scouts for singing Happy Birthday.

    Anybody got some kittens they need to have drowned? Just send them to ASCAP.

    Open Mind

  • eclipse
    i was happy when i read the other thread about some stupid jw dying from child birth , b/c of blood.

    johnny, when you state things like this,

    you make yourself equal to the JW's who say they are happy about Armegeddon coming to destroy all the non-JW people.

    You have a right to your feelings, but saying you are glad because a JW mother lost her life is just sick.

  • anewme

    Yeah you have to separate the victims from the cult itself.

    Actually the JW herself and the restaurant who had to pay the fines are all victims of the cult.

    Bring down the true culprits and you end all this sadness and tragedy.


  • anewme

    I wouldnt be surprised if this young JW planned this whole lawsuit.

  • Finally-Free

    Johnny, it's people like you that give JWs the impression that all apostates are foaming at the mouth.


  • lonelysheep

    Not something I would fire anyone for, but to each its own. I don't have time to read the article right this second, but if it is an 'at will' employment, then they can fire her for that as they did.

    Jehovah will take care of her, so WHY initiate a lawsuit?! I thought jw's weren't supposed to be court-happy?! Liars (no surprise).

  • heathen

    I agree that the girl was not entitled to a settlement since they probly told her when she took the job that part of her job was to sing happy birthday and they need to say they won't do that sort of thing before they take the job. It's ridiculous for them to claim religious persecution in that circumstance .

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