JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends


    This is for you Johnny Cipp,my man..If I don`t want to sing "Happy Birthday",it`s unlikely anyone will change my mind..I cut the Dub`s the same amount of slack..Still..Dubs should`nt work at places like that..But..We know,how Socialy Uneducated JW`s are..It`s like Seven006 says:"JW`s are Socialy Retarted."..This Dub Girl probably didn`t even know that would even come up..Dumb-Ass Dub!..We know Dub`s are a pain in the ass..But..WBT$ runs the show..OldTimers need to concentrate thier energy on the real Problem..The WBT$...OUTLAW

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    There's a restaurant that opened a couple years ago in my area called Texas Roadhouse or Texas Steakhouse, something like that. My wife and I tried it soon after they opened, it was a bit odd when we walked in and there were peanut shells all over the floor, and we were told that it was expected and customary to throw the shells there, from the complinentary bowls of peanuts placed on all the tables. The food was pretty good though, I'd put it about on a par with Outback or any other decent $20 a steak place.

    The other odd thing, was that every 15-20 minutes or so, all the waiters and waitresses would stand in the aisles and sing songs like Deep in the Heart of Texas, with all the hand clapping and stuff. I remember that I left our waitress a pretty substantial tip, and said something to her about how I could never work there, cause I can't carry a tune in a bucket, and don't like to sing. She replied that she didn't mind it so much, and that it was actually kinda fun.

    The point to all this rambling being, that I'm sure the girl in question knew she was going to have to do this ahead of time, yet took the job. It's usually pretty clear-cut what your responsibilities are going to be when you sign all the dotted lines. I used to work with a guy, who though he was studying to be a Muslim, still made and served pepperoni pizzas to the customers-he just didn't eat any himself. Had he refused, he'd have been fired-pepperoni is the top seller at any pizza joint. I don't think she deserved the settlement. It's not like they forced her to sing from a Catholic hymnal or something, 'Happy Birthday' is only an issue to those groups who MAKE it an issue, like JWs, WCG, and some others I may not have knowledge of. In the US, there's an "At Will" employment law, meaning the employee or employer may terminate the work relationship with no given reason. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At-will_employment

    There are clauses within that law, and precedents which pertain to it, in the area of discrimination vs sex, religion, race, etc, however in this case I don't feel they really apply. Perhaps the business owner should have been a bit wiser, and simply terminated the girl without stating a reason, which is perfectly within their rights under the 'At Will" law.

  • heathen
    My conscience doesn't bother me. But if you stop allowing the JW's freedom (as long as no other is harmed) then the next thing to go will be our freedom.

    She has the freedom to find another job and I bet it has to do with selling magazines for a publishing corporation in new york. I bet I've been fired over less than this girl is crying over . I love freedom and support a union that protects workers rights but the j-dubs won't even join a union to protect their rights in the work place. What can you say to people that won't support workers rights to begin with ? It's very confusing as to their possition on these issues .

  • Scully
    if that was a Muslim, who refused to serve pork, the company wouldn't dare fire them. Why? Because of fear.

    JWs generally aren't going to retaliate by driving a C4 laden van into the front window of the establishment, now are they? It's probably cheaper for them to settle the lawsuit that JWs bring.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i'll apologise for calling fellow posters wt butt kissers. i stick with my idea that the UNITED STATES should have finished off the wts in 1917. as was done to many groups based on the 1798 sedition act and the 1917 esponage act. freedom of speech and religion was not what it is today. i wish some here will look up these acts and how they were enforced during WW1 . rutherFRAUD and the wts got off easy. i'm not truely happy that jw woman died giving child birth, but the fact is she killed herself with help from the tower. she had her choice to live and refused it. i think the leaders of the wts should be brought up on MURDER CHARGES for what they teach. i scream yell and curse the wt and jw's because , there is NO COMMON SENSE in their anti social stances. jw's have a rotten way of imposing thier beliefs on others to the point they hurt anyone around them, either being at work, family, friends,strangers etc. and some here want to call it freedom of religion? i see it as jw's going around pursecuting the general population to conform to thier anti social behavior. and will go to any political measures (courts) to get the right to pursecute the general public some more. just look at the sixtuplets case in canada. the wt will not stop trying to say these babies should have had the right to die , in appeal after appeal wasting tax payers $$$$ tying up the courts . if i was the judge i would put shane brady and the whole wt bethel in contempt of court . and give them the ELECTRIC CHAIR. in bible times jw's and wt leaders would be stoned to death. and all anyone here has to do understand this is to read some of the 10000's of hate crimes committed by jw's to the posters here right on JWD. john

  • rocky220

    Hello Johnnycip!!!

    Just remember in the Karmic scheme of things any religion or government for that matter can't stand for very long when they go against their own lofty ideals, with lies, corruption, you name it.....yes, the end is coming very soon, but not the end they [Borg] is predicting.......stay tuned...it's going to get gooooooood!


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    hi ROCKY220; Nice to see your still around. hoping your well, your one no nonsense lady. i'm glad i stirred the pot of wt crap on this simple issue. we all know 1000's of stories about how jw's wreck childrens school lives on something so simple as singing happy birthday and eating a cupcake in class. making that kid sit in the principals office crying/ becoming an outcast. just because mommy told the teacher my brainwashed conscience, will not allow my child to be normal. i get the feeling that this jw waitress' mind is so screwed up, that she sued for all the hurt the wts put on her for no birthdays and now is making someone else pay for her pain. if i was the judge i would send this jw to a one year course on respecting others, as part of the court order. it's to bad i don't know any judges and could help them on wts propaganda. john

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    In my experience I seen that JWs are possibly the worst employees. Many of the younger ones in my are have terrible work ethic. I've seen JWs try to get out of all kinds of work because it's 'against their religion'.

    Not to say that's what this girl did, but I suppose that in most of these cases you never can really know what actually happened.

  • KW13

    I think if she was fired for just that then the employer is wrong. No matter what someone believes there is no excuse.

  • TD

    I'll probably regret saying anything, but (speaking as an employer) there seem to be a few misconceptions about employment law here.

    (I'm paraphrasing)

    (1) Conditions for employment are legal as long as they have been agreed to beforehand.

    --Depends. Many conditions can be stipulated as prerequisites for employement, but basic (Including religious) rights cannot, under normal circumstances, be contractually negotiated away. An employer risks legal action simply by the inclusion of the offending condition on the application.

    It could be pointed out that no employer should be expected to know every weird religious abstention and that's true. But the key to protecting yourself as an employer is to be flexible and be willing to make exceptions for religious reasons.

    (2) The firing would be legitimate if the requirement of singing birthday songs had been revealed beforehand.

    --Probably not. This is closely allied to #1 above. When a religious objection is involved, the employer must be able to show that the requirement is a primary and indispensable part of the job and that there is no way the job can be performed otherwise. This is harder than it sounds and usually involves a unique job function that cannot be filled by other employees.

    (3) If it is an 'at will' employment then the firing is legitimate

    --Absolutely not. With 'at will' employment, "You can fire for any reason except the wrong reason" as the saying goes. State and local 'Right to work' and 'At will' laws do not trump Federal antidiscriminatory legislation such as the the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

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