JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    Johnny Cip, I like your attitude.

    I'm with you all the way.


  • Emma

    On the application they should ask, "Is there any reason you could not do this job?" I saw that on a form recently and was surprised as I'd never seen it before. It would be good for this reason. If you can't do the job, don't apply.

  • purplesofa

    Hey johnnycip

    Could you please tell us how you REALLY feel?


  • IP_SEC

    I think a business owner ought to be able to fire anyone for anything he sees fit. He pays the bills and keeps the light on. He is ultimately responsible for keeping patrons happy. No doubt she knew before hand that singing happy birthday was a job requirement.

    Special treatment of religion be damned.

  • FreedomFrog
    warlock your an other wt crybaby. businesses don't need to keep employess that don't give their costumers what they want.

    I agree with warlock. JW's believe their religions just like others do. Ok, they are in a mind controlled group, we know that, but they are still being blinded and haven't realized it yet. We've got to remember that we use to be Dubs ourselves and for an employer to fire over something like this is stupid because they are only opening up to lawsuits.

    I took many waitresses jobs when I was a dub. It was the only thing I could get without a degree that paid a bit more decent. I even worked in stores during holidays. EVERY store is going to have something that is forbidden to JW's from time to time. Just because we don't agree with the way non witnesses handle things doesn't mean that we agree with the borg. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Would you rather dubs live off welfare instead of trying to make ends meet?

    Businesses can find other things for the employee to do during the time that makes them uncomfortable.

  • IP_SEC
    jw's should be banned from not only being waiters. but be banned from working in the u.s. anony-mouse. and from any federal benefits. since they hate the gov't so much. hitler was to soft on the jw's if you ask me.

    Now you're being ridiculous. I hate the gov't too but it has nothing to do with being a JW. It has to do with being a patriot.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    jw's should be banned from not only being waiters. but be banned from working in the u.s. anony-mouse. and from any federal benefits. since they hate the gov't so much. hitler was to soft on the jw's if you ask me.

    What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Hitler was too Soft on them?

  • nvrgnbk
    I think a business owner ought to be able to fire anyone for anything he sees fit.

    Damn straight brother!

  • Mary

    Jesus johnny, take a pill.......Wishing to see all Dubs dead or shipped off to North Korea or saying that Hitler was too easy on them is extreme. Yes they piss me off by bad mouthing the very government that protects them, but by wishing death on all of them, how does that make us any better than them? Yes it's utterly stupid that they can't do something simple like sing 'Happy Birthday' but the R&F are just following orders from the real culprits, the Governing Body. And while I agree that an owner has the right to fire someone, their reasoning in this case was on shaky legal ground. What if the person in question was a Jew or Muslim who was fired for not saying "Merry Christmas"? It's petty, but 'Freedom of Religion' protects people from 'discrimination' and that's what this would fall under in legal terms and in this day and age, it's not what's 'right' that counts anymore, it's what's 'legal' and 'not legal' that counts, end of story. And don't forget that WE all thought the same way at one time too.

    Years ago when I was a good little Dub, I had a job as a Receptionist. Unbeknown to me, one of my duties was to decorate the office Christmas tree. I wasn't sure if my 'conscience' would allow it (god that sounds so dumb now), but I thought 'oh screw it---it's part of my job', so I did. Due to the fact that I had never decorated a Christmas tree before, it looked like absolute shit and my boss just about had a stroke when he saw it, so from that time forward, each year he got someone else to do it.

  • nvrgnbk
    Due to the fact that I had never decorated a Christmas tree before, it looked like absolute shit and my boss just about had a stroke when he saw it, so from that time forward, each year he got someone else to do it.

    That sounds like "theocratic warfare" tactics Mary. LMAO!

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