by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    What a perfect sum-up, Nancy!




  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Yah to the Alaskan Front, becasue I was ready to pack up and move there. "It's been to darn hot" . Ella Fitzgerald ringing in my head.

    Have a sweet day everyone.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    For BB!!!!!!

    Thanks, Eva, for your contribution ...


  • BizzyBee

    Wow! Thank you, CoCo! I am going to start at the beginning and work forward......I recall a feeling that some of this was pure magic......................

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    And you, dear Bee, are part of the magic!


  • palmtree67

    I've been reflecting alot lately on how far I've come since leaving the Org.....

    I am fully out - mentally and physically. My children are out. In a very short time, I have adapted well.

    I am loving my life right now!

    True, not everything is perfect.......

    But I am constantly GRATEFUL for what I have, and I feel very deeply for the ones who struggle after leaving. I send angels of comfort and strength to you all every day.

    Thank you so much to everyone here for all the help, support and encouragement. Truly. (( CoCo ))


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    sounds like your in the right place

    No matter what happens in day to day life even some very sad things like for me yesterday I had to put my beloved cat to sleep she was old, diabetic and her kidneys failed. I loved her dearly but it was what had to be done. Even so being free from the wtbs makes your life your own and as Steve Jobs stressed It's your life to live don't live somebody else's life.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Palmtree and Nancy, for your entries. Wish I had seen them earlier.

    It's great things are good for you now, , and so sorry, Nancy, for your loss .



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Walking some two hours a day through the same territory has been by no means a boring experience.

    The mountains at close range, dotted with clinging houses, always capture my wandering gaze; those loftier, more distant ranges - barely distinguishable from the sky but for the capping snow - move me to take flight and attain the unattainable. A notebook is ever at the ready to be filled with both odd and useful knowledge, someday to be savored as a treasured moment in time amidst Nature's glories ...

  • BizzyBee

    You've still got it, CoCo.

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