Gun control logic

by Gregor 174 Replies latest social current


    Anyone who wants a gun,can get a gun..Better to let honest people have access to them..Anything less,is a BandAid on the problem..And..Puts decent people at risk...OUTLAW

  • kid-A

    The V Tech shooter bought his guns legally. > Yes, a mentally unstable lunatic walked into a gun shop and bought lethal weapons in about 5 minutes. Gun control laws don't stop this kind of determined killer anywhere in the world. > Bullshit. Countries with the heaviest restrictions on gun ownership have the LOWEST rates of gun related homicides, including Canada, Britain, Germany and Japan. The defenseless victims couldn't carry a gun legally on campus if they had one. > More bullshit. If the lunatic could walk into a VA gunshop and buy lethal handguns in 5 minutes ANYBODY in the state of VA could have done exactly the same thing. The shooter used easily concealed handguns and carried a backpack. IF ONE STUDENT OR TEACHER HAD A GUN THEY MIGHT HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO SAVE MANY LIVES. > More nonsense. The "hero" of the story HAD NO GUN. He barricaded the doors to prevent the killer from entering and saved his entire classroom. Furthermore, you HAVE NO IDEA that even IF another person on the scene had had a gun, that THAT person may not have simply been shot first, or would be too panicked to actually use the gun to effectively kill the perpetrator. This situation plays out over and over. Yes, and it will continue to play out over and over until Americans get over their fascination with guns and Dirty Harry movies. But I suppose you dream of an American society resembling a "shooting gallery"?

  • Warlock

    I used to own quite a few guns and rifles. I don't at the moment, but I would feel a lot safer if concealed weapons permits were easier to obtain.


  • heathen

    Yah and I saw pictures of the cops with kevlar vests on hiding behind trees and avoiding the situation . I think the problem is video games such as doom .............. NOT . I am all for leaving the constitution alone on this one since people need the right to defend their property . The school should have had some deterrents but once again turned a blind eye to a simple solution .

  • hillbilly

    Yea..gun control logic..

    Crazy man who wants to put the bone to Jodie Foster shoots Reagan with a .22

    Result: Brady Ban of Evil Black rifles with bayonet lugs and flash hiders . Limit of magazine capacity to 10 rounds

    Crazy man or Full scale multi- level conspiracy (your choice) shoots president with cheap mail order MILSURP rifle.

    Result: outlaw sale of firearms by mail

    Crazy folks or motivated reprobates will do evil or harm by any means available. Gun Control and logic? I dont think so.


  • Finally-Free

    Gun control legislation is intended to give people the illusion that the government is doing something about a problem that it really has little control over. Someone who has resolved to commit the ultimate crime that carries the ultimate punishment in many states isn't going to give a shit about gun control laws. If someone is intent on killing people, they'll buy weapons where they can. If none are available they'll rent a truck and drive it into a crowd of people, or make a homemade bomb using items available in any supermarket. It's easy to do.

    Come to think of it, we have some serial killers in prison here who have never used a gun in the commission of their crimes. Maybe we should consider banning kitchen utensils next?


  • IP_SEC
    What is more important, your "right" to bear arms or the rights of 32 kids not to be killed by some nutjob

    Your logic is bullshit too SLH. These two rights are not in conflict. Gregor hasnt shot anyone that I know of nor is he a nut job though I do disagree with him on a regular basis. I dont think he ever shot 32 kids. Have you Gregor?

    It is illegal to shoot, pummel, flog, or throw rocks at 32 innocent kids. It is illegal to threaten 32 kids. Would you like it to be illegal for someone to think about killing another person too?

  • ThomasCovenant
  • ThomasCovenant


    I think it was Ben Elton who said there should only be one question asked to determine if you should be allowed to own a gun

    Question One: Do you want a gun?

    If your answer is Yes ....then you have failed to pass the test as people who want guns should not be allowed them.

    If your answer is No... fine.

    PS Not necessarily my views


    Thomas Covenant

  • LongHairGal

    I agree with you. Gun control laws NEVER stop criminals. Even if guns weren't manufactured in this country they would smuggled in illegally like drugs and every criminal would have a gun and the rest of us would be defenseless.

    Sadly, a crime like this cannot be prevented except by searching everybody on the campus. This is impossible.

    This crime is really the result of the fractured spirit and mentality of our world in general.


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