What book or movie most resembles the WTS in your opinion? Why?

by whyizit 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    Those Star Trek shows with the Borg. I can't think of anything that resembles the Watchtower Society more than that Borg.

  • confusedjw

    The Firm - you can't leave without them hunting you down (in most cases)

    The Village -

  • MsMcDucket

    "The Holy Ghost People"


    There, also, was a sci-fi episode on "The Twilight Zone" about aliens that were trying to take over the world. The alien caused a black out and caused hysteria in this one city block. Then the alien just sit back and said "all we have to do is do this on every block" (or something like that). The people, basically, begin to kill each other off. The title of that episode is "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street".

    There was another Twilight Zone where the people had to eat the hearts of the dead ones in order for the person to achieve something... I can't remember.

    Why does it remind me of the Org? The mind control. How it makes people "trip out" like LSD or something. The people just lose control of their normal state of mind and self because of the belief in a supernatural being.

    Oh yes! I can't leave out "The Bone Collector" starring Denzel Washington. That movie was creepy. It reminded me how superstitious that we can be, and how very superstitious that the witness are, even though they claim not to be.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


  • blondie

    I think of 1984 and the Borg...I haven't seen the Matrix. Borg: http://www.freeminds.org/space.htm

    And this story, Diary of an Armageddon Survivor.


  • Gregor

    The original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"

    the way people could change overnight into robots, no natural emotions.

    I think The Village was a near perfect analogy



    I am going to have to watch The Village.

  • MsMcDucket

    I needed to make a correction on the Denzel Washington movie that I was referring to in the previous post. The name of the movie is "Fallen" not "The Bone Collector".

  • carla

    Any non R rated movies to show jw's? I can't find 1984 in any local rental places.

  • avengers

    Star Trek. The Borg.

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