Say something horrible.............but true about your kids ..............

by vitty 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Although, the complaints may be valid and sad. Many posters here have vented about their wicked parents.

    I think its time we parents have a post dedicated to saying something horrid about our kids. It maybe something you have wanted to say about them that was in the past or happening now

    So vent away, ill start and i take no blame for my sprogs behaviour i am a good and loving mother who did her best

    My son is a lazy, ignorant little know it all, who really knows nothing at all. Who is only nice when HE wants to be or wants something from me. who blames me for everthing that goes wrong in his life

    And when he finally grows up and realizes how much support he really had i hope hes very, very sorry.

  • Tea4Two

    All my kids are little angels

  • vitty

    Yeah right, all under 10 years im guessing !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • deeskis

    I love them all dearly...............but they're driving me f@#%ing bonkers

    hehe, I borrowed that one from ozzie osborne!

  • snarf

    I would love it if my daughter could clean her room without me having to tell her 500 times and threatening to take away all her precious items, and then keep it clean. She can trash a room in .004 seconds !!!

  • Tea4Two

    LOL...was a Joke vitty...I had my share when they were teens...they are all grown up now and they DO become better sons and daughters as they get older. Your son is a teen I gather? Sounds like it. Yes, he will regret how he treated you as he ages.

  • ButtLight

    How much time do you have???

  • Balsam

    Being a parent is the most thankless job anyone ever had. Kids look at at us saying "you did this and this and this to me and ruined my life." Some children may be justified, but 1/2 of it isn't. Mostly when they are teens and in their early 20's (so far as I can see) they just want to forget they ever had parents unless they need money. LOL Now granted I have to say my sons have not beenthat way mostly. They haven't told me the many times they have been in dire straights and needed money. Why I'm not sure, but probably because they either feel I could not care less, or they actually know I can't afford to bail them out. I chose to believe that they know and understand I have nothing to help them with since I've been on disability. They don't complain about it so I guess that is good.

    I just pray that somehow the lives they are living right now will go away. My two sons share an apartment and it has become a flop house for other teens who have been kicked out of their parents homes because of drug use. Up to 12 at a time sleeping there. It sickens me that they are living like this because I know they are better than that. Also my youngest son who is graduating smokes pot to dull his mind, and his older brother has been snorting cocaine lately but swears it isn't a habit yet. I see the problems and talk to them but they just say "Oh Mom you worry to much".

    I wish I could arrange their lives for them but as parents we can't do that when their grown and making their own choices. I brace myself daily for that call from the police telling me one or both of them have died or been arrested. I want so much good for them, but they don't want it for themselves, which leaves me powerless. They see no value to just plain old working hard, being true to one woman and finding love and happiness in day to day life. All they want is the next thrill that they find in drugs and partying. They are 18 and 22 yrs old.

    I pray that if there is a kindly divine force out there they will turn my son's around and save them. But I know the divine, if it's out there, is very busy lisnening to other's prayers for their kids too, and probably will do nothing to help mine. But still I pray and hope for a miracle in just a change of attitude in them. I think I would come to believe in God if they did turn around. It would surely be a miracle that I could not even bring about. I'll pray harder maybe there is still hope.

  • vitty

    Tea for 2..................I didnt take what you said was more for the benefit of ppl who have little kids and start telling us where we went wrong

    so go on tell is how horrid they really were------------

  • luna2

    I love my son to death, but he could charm the skin off a snake. He owes me a ton of money, dammit! He's getting debt reduction as birthday and Christmas gifts now.

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