Say something horrible.............but true about your kids ..............

by vitty 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My daughter and her husband are waiting for Paradise to get here before they have kids.

    I don't want them to have kids while they are still JWs, but I am sure they would both make very good parents if they could get out of the cult. They are running out of time.

    It's just as well my son was weak enough in the faith to marry a non-JW and have a couple of grandkids for us. His eldest is growing up a right little terror and I am quite happy not to travel to the other side of the planet to get stuck in the same house with her for several weeks (or days ).

    The youngest is a real sweetie and there is hope for her yet.

  • kid-A

    My daughter and her husband are waiting for Paradise to get here before they have kids.

    My wife and I are enjoying the paradise right now that comes from not having kids!!! LOL

    As for the previous posts, if your kids were an accident, I could see some justified complaints, but if you actually wanted kids, surely you knew

    that there was a very good possibility they would turn out to be monsters?! I mean honestly, its a 50/50 crap shoot at best! LOL

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I have three kids of my own, all in their late teens.

    One didn't do too well at school, does have a job now but not a very good one.

    My middle child is doing quite well at college and very well in his part time job - he likes the money it brings. He saves some of it, goes out for nice meals with some of it and he gambles and drinks the rest!

    My daughter is doing fine at school, in fact she is doing her final exams right now.

    The only thing I dislike is that all three ague big time with their mother (my ex-wife) but are unwilling to stand up to her silly demands - she doesn't even want them to come round my house or go away on holiday with me - we got divarced years ago!

    Ah well, life's full of ups and downs.

  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    I have 3 kids---

    An 18 year old daughter-I really can't complain-other than a bedroom that is ALWAYS a disaster, no matter how much I nag-she doesn't drink/smoke/party-she works and earns her own spending $$$-has a very nice boyfriend and is doing great in school. So as long as I keep her bedroom door shut and her window open so the stink can escape, it's okay.

    My middle son is 14-he's the quiet one-he's either on the computer or the Playstation at home-gets good grades in school. You know what they say about the silent ones though...I'm just waiting for something to hit the fan.

    The youngest-he just turned 6 on the weekend(he's from my second marriage)-he's a whole new story. He has turned my hair greyer than the other two put together!!!!

    But I love them all to death and if I had it all to do again-I'd do it in a heartbeat.


  • Legolas
    Say something horrible.............but true about your kids ..............

    Oh my GAWD..Don't get me started...this forum wouldn't have enough space for me to complain...LOL

    One thing I can say is ...Lucifer/Desiree moved back home and is now on 'Alert'...meaning the next time I have to say ..'Clean you room'....She has 10 days to find another place to live!

  • lovelylil

    My son who is 11 is really easy going. My daughter who is 13 1/2 puts me thru mental torture every day! She knows everthing and everything

    and you can't tell her anything or she will bite your head off.

    When she gets her period, she is ten times worst, I swear her head spins all the way around and she makes that Linda Blair girl from the exorcist look nice!

  • Mulan

    This thread is so sad.

    I have four kids, all grown. They are all amazing adults and were incredible children. One of them was a big problem as a teenager, but if we hadn't been JW's, he wouldn't have been a problem at all. That fact makes me cringe when I look back.

    Two of them were very neat, and kept their rooms in pristine boy, one girl.

    The other two boys were total slobs. One of them still is. The other shaped up when he got his own place.

    I just think raising kids is a challenge. Accept them for being their own person, not an extension of you. Let them be who they are.

    My middle son is 14-he's the quiet one-he's either on the computer or the Playstation at home-gets good grades in school. You know what they say about the silent ones though...I'm just waiting for something to hit the fan.

    Our youngest one was just like that. He stayed quiet, and is now almost 27, and he still likes video games. He is in his last year of college, and still gets really good grades 3.85 GPA. He got married at 22 and they had a baby in March. Nothing ever hit the fan with him, other than a few emotional problems in high school because he was bullied. He got into Drama, and everything changed for the better for him. No one bullied him anymore...............the Drama teacher taught his class to be a team, a family, and look out for each other. Suddenly he had 25 advocates, and it was great.

  • vitty

    This was started because many parents are frustrated by their teenagers. It doesnt mean we dont love them( although we may not feel it at the time ) or believe they wont grow out of it (eventually, maybe when their 30 )

    Its not a sad thread, its to show we are not alone in our suffering of them now

    When my children were young, they were very good well behaved and often ppl would remark how a credit they were to us. This is a phase most of them are going through and most parents realize that, but when when your in the middle of a "do" it can be a horrible time for the family and sometimes we need to just VENT

  • lovelylil


    good point. I am not sorry one bit for having either of my kids. And both are smart, funny, talented and really nice overall. Just my daughter is going thru the teenage thing and yes she can drive me nuts sometimes with the mood swings. But I do remember being the same exact way. So, I don't think this thread is sad either, like you said, it is hard raising kids. None are perfect and all will get on your nerves a bit. It is just nice to be able to swap "war" stories that is all.

    Please note: in no way am I saying I do not love my daughter. Even she can laugh at herself sometimes when she is not moody and realizes she overacts to things sometimes. (hormones).

  • peggy

    My oldest (27) is a horrible intellect! He MAKES me think!

    My middle one (25) is horribly passionate! What depth of feeling! She moves me!

    My baby (23) is horribly funny! She brings tears to my eyes with laughter!

    All three have taught me much about life!


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